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Hyunjin POV

It's late night and im playing 'Candy Crush' on my phone since im bored and Jeongin is looking at me with arms crossed. "Hyung" He called, I ignore, maybe he's trying to annoy me. "Hyunjin.hyung" He called again but this time with a serious tone. "What?" I replied lazily

"How much longer?" He asked, "how much longer what?" I asked him back without moving my eyes from the phone

"How much longer are you gonna stay here? Its have been a month" He asked that freakin question again, finally I stand up and look at him, "if you don't want me to stay here, it's alright, I can find another place" Suddenly his straight face change to a little bit sad face

"Hyunjin you said you gonna stay here for one to two weeks, also you said you'll find a rent house for yourself but look, you just laying at the sofa doing nothing but playing phones. Hey at least go find a job" He nag for a 3rd time omg

I sweep my face and let out a small sigh, "it's hard you know" I make excuses- again. "Or you just tOo LaZy that's why it's hard?" He give me an absolute strike.

"Look i will find a-" I was about to comfort him but then he cut me, "how many times do you have to make excuses? Hyung, im not that rich to buy food for two people every damn week and i NEARLY dont have enough money to pay the freakin rent even though its cheap bcz you always borrow my money bcz YOU didn't have enough money to travel across this city to find a rent house and i didn't ask you to pay it back but today i wanna ask you, where.the.fuck.did.that.money.go?"

And here we go again, a DEEP silence, Im speechless, yes i use his money to go drink with my friends, whatta 'good friend' i am. I try to avoid an eye contact with him but then I look at him immediately when I hear he's sobbing.

"J-jeongin" I stuttered as I hold his shoulders, he just look all way down crying like crazy, he's really suffering bcz of me... "J-jeongin i-im sorry.. I made y-you suffer a lot.. Im.. really sorry..." I couldn't say anything else, I just look at him and he lift up his head and look at me

"I-im sor-ry, i-i didn't mean to c-chase you out... *sobs*but.... im lack of m-money, h-hyung..*sobs* im not ready for this..." And then he continue to cry again. I don't know what to do or what to say, im just.. Thoughtless...

If Chan know bout this, he would slap me to death. Omg what should- okay okay just calm down, you've reach his limit, dude. I bring the crying Jeongin to his bedroom and tuck him in his bed.

He's still crying, I want to hug him until he's asleep but he said, "Leave me alone" With an annoyed yet sad tone. With a full worried feeling I leave him alone in his bed and close the door. I walk slowly to the sofa and sat then lean back closing my eyes, i absolutely fucked up.

Maybe I can find at least one rent house on any websites. I grab my phone and immediately search any websites. After several minutes scrolling, I found rent houses, but some are too far from the city, some are too expensive. How the fck am i gonna get one?

Argh! A freakin ad agai- wait- this ad is related to what Im searching for, let's see...

'Searching for a rent house?' Damn yes, 'or searching for a roommate?' Um no.. 'Or both?!' uh.. Maybe yes? 'Well, Lovely Mate can help you with that!' Such a trashy name- okay ILL STOP 'You can find various rent houses or you can promote that unoccupied room in your house! Find roommate that match your taste! Try it now!'

My taste....? Is this.. Tinder or what? Whatever, I just press download and it take me to the app store. After a minute, it successfully installed thanks to my speedy data.

Okay let's see... Oh enter your email blablabla username, princehwang203 any other things. its a moment of silence while waiting for this app to loading. Idk why i feel so excited, chill out this isn't Tinder. But i need to find a rent house ASAP so I need to get excited.

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