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It's already past 12, those sleepyheads are still in their Dreamland. Hyunjin open his eyes after a minute, he realized it's already 12 but he didn't move a bit. He keep caressing the guy sleeping on his left shoulder. He looks cute.. He thought. They both flinched as something is vibrating, it's Jisung's phone. "Oh you're awake" Jisung who's still half awake take his phone and pick the call up.


"Hannie~ are you home? I just finished my work at France and now im home~"

"Oh, really?" Jisung yawns.

"Did you just awake?"


"Oh.. Well, Im coming there"


"Hm.. Maybe in 10 minutes? Im on my way there"

"10 MINUTES?!" He jolts awake

"Haha! Why are you so shocked? Im coming there, bye~" Minho hangs up

Jisung put his phone down while gasping. "What's wrong?" The other guy is still clueless and wants to fall asleep again. Jisung suddenly stand up, pick up his used plate and cup in full of speed. "Is someone coming?" Hyunjin is still on the sofa, ready to fall asleep again. "Yes" The younger sped his pace to the kitchen. "Your friend? If it's your friend, I will sleep here, tell them I'm your boyfriend or smth" He smirks after that.

"Um I think I'm not ready to tell him yet, so... GET IN YOUR ROOM, SIR" Jisung walks faster to the living room, shouting ofc. "HOW BOUT NO, SIR?" Hyunjin snorts. "I said get in your room, you scumbag" He start pulling him. "NO" Hyunjin refuse. "U GOTTA GO INSIDEEE-"

"HANNIE~!" Minho burst inside after unlocking the door with the key Jisung gave him, cuz they're buddies I guess....

"Oh.." His eyes lands on Jisung's hands that's holding the other guy arm. The living room is filled with silence and breeze for a moment. "No, hyung! I..i can explain..." He let go of Hyunjin arm. "You got a new friend? That's great!" Mingo's arms are wide open in happiness. He went to hug his Hannie with a paper bag in his hand. "Oh i bought this for you"

"A cake?" Jisung said after peeked inside it and take out a cupcake. "It's cupcakes, you blindhoe" Minho innocently smiles. "Owh! Thanks for those anyways!" Jisung put the cupcake back and jog to his kitchen, leaving Minho and his roommate.

"Did he just left like that? sjdhdhdb" Hyunjin thought. He shivers a little when Minho turns to him. "Hello-" "AAH!" Hyunjin flinches in fear when Minho just want to shakes his hand. "Im Minho..." his hand was left hanging. Hyunjin's face turns red due to embarrassed feeling. "uh... sorry... im Hyunjin" he take the other guy's hand.

"Hey brought ya some tea.." Jisung came back with a tray of a cup of tea and cookies. "For me?" Minho asked. "No for me" he answered in cold tone. "For you ofc bitch" he giggles after that. They both smile at each other while Hyunjin feels like he could just jump out of the window right now. "Im heading into my room" Hyunjin left the two.

"I smell some jealousy" Jisung thought.

Hyunjin throws himself on the bed and hugs the pillows. "WHAT'S UP WITH THIS FEELING JSHDHSJSHSHDHD", he whines. He don't want to admit it. He really don't.

He don't want to admit that he's jealous.

"NO!" He shuts his mouth. "Did they hear me?". After a second, he went back into his emotional mode. "No Hyunjin you're not jealous, you're just feeling lonely..." That thought made him feels even worse. "Is that his boyfriend? That's why he doesn't want to..." Hyunjin's eyes widen. He takes his phone to message his tea buddy, Seungmin.

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