chapter 2- first dates

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it was a week later, saturday morning toni had texted cheryl earlier and told her she would be over to get her at 2 so cheryl had a hour to get ready she decided on a open back sweater with jeans and boots it was the perfect fall day. cheryl couldn't be more excited to go out. she curled her hair and pulled the sides back. she made some lunch to eat before she left. toni decided to wear a green dress with a leather jacket and doc martens and she straightened her hair she also ate some lunch and then was ready to head out so she texted cheryl to let her know she was on her way.

(tt)- hey cutie im heading out now😊

(cher)- perfect see you soon ❤️

toni made her way up to cheryls condo she was incredibly nervous. cherly heard a knock at the door and had to stop herself from running to answer it. she was excited but also nervous "olive shush it's ok" cheryl said to olive who was barking away at the door. cheryl opened the door and her jaw dropped yep she's the prettiest girl in the world.

"wow you look amazing."

"you do too, also you're drooling" toni said teasing cheryl.

"oh stop you just look so good hands down prettiest girl ever." toni blushed at cheryls words.

"here come in" said cheryl moving back so toni could come inside.

"oh my gosh hiiii baby" toni said bending down to love on olive and give her a kiss "cher she is the cutest."

"lucky ass" said cheryl regretting when she heard it come out of her mouth instead of inside her head. "fuck, fuck, fuck" she thought. "yeah she is the cutest" cheryl said hoping toni didn't catch her slip.

"also don't worry cutie you'll get your kiss soon."

cheryl's face went red. just thinking about kissing toni made her stomach flip.

"you're way too cute, are you ready to head out?" asked toni.

"yes, are you gonna tell me where we are going?"

"nope it's a suprise cher."

"c'mon pretty please tt" cheryl said pouting.

"ok even though that pout and puppy dog eyes are the cutest, nope i wanna suprise you."

"fineeee." said cheryl.

they headed out, toni opened the door for cheryl.

"thanks sweets" said cheryl as she got into toni's car.

they talked while the radio played, toni and cheryl both had very similar taste in music.

"by the way you look beautiful todaythat sweater is too cute also the back is amazing" toni told cheryl.

"thanks tt, and haha bet you only like it because you can see my bra" cheryl said teasingly.

"i mean i definetly don't mind seeing it" toni said winking at her.

cheryl smiled and shook her head "wait we are going to the festival of the little hills?" cheryl asked excitedly.

"yep, i go every year it's a traditon."

"me too, ah im so excited!" cheryl said clapping her hands.

"god you're adorable."

they found a place to park and then headed out to look at all the booths. 

"want some kettle corn" asked toni.


they got kettle corn and sat down on a bench to enjoy it, after that they decided to walk around some more. it started to get even more crowded and cheryl started to get a little panicky she wasn't good in crowds she was afarid she would get lost, she started playing with her fingers something she would do when she got anxious. toni noticed this.

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