chapter 7- baby time

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a week had passed, the nursery was ready they had everything they needed for landon and they were on their way to get him and bring him home they were both so excited and couldn't wipe the smiles off their faces. 

"i can't believe we are about to be a family of three" said toni.

"same i can't wait" said cheryl.

they grabbed the car seat and headed inside.

"hey there mommies he is all ready for you" said taylor.

"thanks tay" said toni smiling when she saw it was all decorated to celebrate him being able to come home.

"aw you guys i love the decorations thanks for doing that" said cheryl hugging all the nurses.

they all walked over to landon and cheryl picked him up with tears in her eyes.

"hi baby you ready to come home with mommies?" she asked kissing his head.

toni wrapped her arms around the both of them. they loaded him up in his carseat and said their goodbyes and headed home. toni carried him inside and lifted him out of the carseat. 

"hello cutie wanna tour of your new home?" she asked him as she walked around the whole house talking to him about each room. 

cheryl watched them smiling. "tt you are so fucking cute" she kissed them both.

"thanks love, i'm gonna make him a bottle wanna hold him while i go make it."

"of course come here baby." said cheryl taking landon.

after toni finished making the bottle she handed it to cheryl to feed him. they were both on cloud 9 they didn't get too much sleep the first couple of weeks but that was alright because they were just so happy to have him. he was literally an angel but he loved waking them up very early which neither of them were very used to just yet. both of their families decided to throw them a baby shower so they were all getting ready for that. they decided to put landon in the cutest little pair of overalls with a little bandana. after they were all ready they loaded up in the car and headed over to cheryl's parents house for the party, cheryl carried landon inside and everyone came running over to see him. they all visited and ate dinner as landon was passed around he started to get a little fussy but as soon as toni held him he calmed down.

"someone just wanted mommy huh?" said cheryl smiling at the two of them.

"alright let's open presents!" yelled ann.

everyone laughing as they all headed into the living room to start opening. toni held landon while cheryl opened. he got lots of clothes and toys. his favorite was a stuffed golden retriever puppy he would not let go of it the rest of the party.

"thank you so much everyone this means so much to us he loves everything" said toni.

they continued to visit with everyone until landon started to get really sleepy and fussy. once they get home landon was already asleep so toni put him right to bed laying the puppy next to him.

"today was so fun family is just the best" said toni.

"it really was" said cheryl smiling kissing her "oh my god baby look he is already cuddling his puppy."

"that is quite possibly the cutest thing ever other then you of course" said toni winking  at her.

"ugh stop being so cute it hurts me."

the next morning landon actually slept in till 8.

"dang mr. landon must have been so sleepy from all that fun yesterday huh?" said cheryl as she picked him up.

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