chapter 9- 5 years later

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time had flown by landon had just turned six and lili had just turned five. they also had another baby which cheryl had given birth to, who had just turned two months old, rosie. today they planned a trip to the zoo so cheryl was feeding rosie while toni got breakfast ready. after rosie was done cheryl got her dressed and then dressed herself.

"good morning tt thank you for making breakfast" said cheryl kissing her.

"of course hun."

"i am gonna wake up the kiddos and pack our bag."

"sounds good cher."

cheryl got lili up first "c'mon lili let's get up and get ready for the zoo!"

lili jumped out of bed "yes momma can i wear my tiger shirt?"

"of course get dressed and then mommy made breakfast so go eat after."

then she went to wake up landon. "c'mon nay nay zoo time!"

"hi momma can i bring my pup to the zoo?"

"of course now go get dressed and then come eat."

lili picked out a white shirt with a tiger on it with checkered vans and shorts. landon picked out a blue and purple tie dye shirt with a shark on it with shorts and his baby pink vans because of course after he outgrew his baby ones he needed another pair. they all ate their pancakes toni made and then loaded up into the car. cheryl put on frozen 2 for them to watch on the dvd players and they were all silent the whole ride. once they pulled into the parking lot landons eyes lit up he loved the zoo the most. they all got out of the car cheryl got rosie in the stroller and lili, landon held toni's hand as they all walked in.

"alright cuties what animal first?" asked toni.

lili and landon both shouted "stingrays!"

"alright stingrays it is momma lead the way."

they all walked into the stingray enclosure and got down to put their hands into the water and pet them. lili and landon both had no fear and put their hands right in, giggling everytime they got to pet one. landon even pet a little shark. after the stingrays they headed to the sea lions where landon was convinced he was talking to them. mimicking the sea lions and making everyone around them laugh.

"mommies! they said they love me!" exclaimed landon.

"they did huh?" said toni laughing smiling at cheryl.

after the sea lions they decided to go see the polar bear which was lili and cheryl's favorite. the polar bear came right up to the glass putting his paw on it. lili laughing every time he peaked up from the water. after that rosie started to fussy so they stopped at a table to feed her and get some lunch for themselves. toni went and got food for everyone. once they were all done eating they got rosie and lili back into the stroller.

"ok babies where to next?" asked toni.

"tigers!" shouted lili.

"mommy's favorite good choice" said cheryl smiling at toni.

once they got to the tigers landon was convinced he was talking to them as well roaring at them all.

"oh so you wouldn't eat us" he said. "mommies mr. tiger said if we go in he won't eat us." he said smiling at them.

"oh yeah?" said toni laughing.

"es, so let's go!" said landon.

"maybe another day buddy" said cheryl laughing.

landon started to pout.

"hey how about we go to the gift shop instead?" asked toni.

"yes yes yes yes!!!" yelled lili.

"okayyyyy" said landon.

once they got inside the gift shop toni told them they could get two things. landon picked out a pink tiger and a rock set. lili picked out a shark and some candy.

"good choices guys!" said toni as she went and checked out, she also snuck a little gift for rosie and cheryl.

once they got back home landon and lili both went to the play room to play and toni had just put rosie down for a nap.

"hey babe i got you a little something" said cheryl handing toni a tiger keychain.

"aw thanks cher i also snuck a little something for you too" said toni handing her a polar bear keychain.

"tt i love it wow we really are the same person huh?"

"we really are ugh i love you."

"i love you too tt" said cheryl kissing her and then grabbing her hand pulling her to the couch to cuddle.

after rosie woke up from her nap they ordered pizza for dinner then it was bedtime. the next morning cheryl's sister ann came over to babysit so cheryl and toni could get a surprise for the kids.

"i am so excited baby" said toni as they pulled out of the driveway.

"me too the kids are gonna go nuts!"

after having lost both of their dogs they decided it was time for a family dog. they found the perfect creme colored golden retriever that they were on the way to pick up. they had already named him cash. once they got there they headed inside the breeder greeted them and went to get cash handing him to them. they both hugged him so excited to get him home. shortly there after they were on the way home cheryl drove so toni could hold him.

"ugh he is just the cutest i am so happy" said toni kissing his head.

"he really is we got lucky."

once they got back home cheryl walked in first calling all the kids and telling them to come into the frontroom.

"ok cuties" she said holding rosie. "mommy and me have a surprise for you guys, now before she comes inside do not be too loud and be gentle ok?"

"is it another baby?' asked landon.

cheryl laughed as toni walked in with their new puppy. the kids freaked out rushing over to pet him.

"what's his name mommy?" asked lili.

"cash" said toni smiling.

"our baby cash!" said landon kissing the puppy's head.

they all spent the rest of the day playing with him and cuddling with hime they were all on cloud 9. cash actually got potty trained pretty fast which they were grateful for. landon was cash's shadow always looking out for him and making sure he wasn't getting into any trouble, rosie liked to grab for his tail and lili liked to carry him around wrapped up in a blanket. the whole family was in love with cash. cash was toni's shadow but who could blame him.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while my grandma just passed and it's been extremely hard because she was literally my best friend so bare with me I'm gonna be taking a little break.

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