Pocky | Kisume

845 19 3

3rd Person's P.O.V.

You're at the rooftop with Gou eating lunch, she's on the phone talking to someone "After school?" Gou said, you give her privacy but it's not your fault that you heard her 'cause she's loud.

"A reunion? Can I bring some friend?" she said "It's only (Y/n)...ok bye big brother see you" she ended the call and went back "It's my brother, he said that I'm going straight home after school" she said and drink.

"Why?" you asked "My brother will have a reunion at our house, and I ask if I could bring you"she said "And what did he answer?" you asked.

"He said yes"


You are at Gou and Rin's house sitting on the couch, you are not comfortable since it's your first time there.

"You're (Y/n) right?" A pink haired guy ask, you nod and smiled shyly "Don't be shy (Y/n), make yourself feel at home" Rin said "O-okay" you nervously said.

You breath in and out "Just chill", "let's play a game" Rin said

"How about...Chess or Twister?" Gou Suggested "That's kinda boring" Rin complain "Okay how about pocky?" Gou said "Well that's interesting" rin said


All of you sit on the floor, on your left is Gou and on your right is Rin "I'm the wall of the matsouka siblings" You said in your mind

"Kisumi will go first" Rin said and give the bottle to Kisumi, he put it on the floor and spin.

It's slowing until it stops, It's pointing at you and you look at kisumi

He was look at you "(Y/n), let's play shall we?" he said and put the pocky in his mouth, you nod and went to him then bite.


You can't look at him, you just keep looking on the pocky because you're shy.

*bite* *bite* *bite*

You enjoyed biting the pocky, until you felt something soft on your lips, you look up and saw that you and kisumi kissed.

You blushed and slowly pulled away, he blushed too and didn't say a word.

You went back to your place and sat quietly "So...I'm next" Gou said and Rin hand the bottle to her.

You unconsciously touch your lips "T-that was my f-first kiss?!" you said in your mind.

You look at Kisumi, he was looking at you, you quickly look away and blushed deeper, you heard him chuckle.

You breath in and out and bravely look at him, he smiled and wink at you, you smiled back and look at Gou, she was shock.

You look at the bottle and your jaw dropped, You look at Rin with wide eyes he was using his phone.

Sousuke nudge him by the elbow "What?" Rin said irritatedly and look at the bottle, his jaw dropped.



Edited: If you're curious who's Gou's partner, It's Rin (>▽<), No I'm not shipping them that would be a family stroke (◣_◢).

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