Sweet day | Rei

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3rd Person's P.O.V.

You're watching T.V. when someone rang your doorbell, "Coming!" you said and went to the door, when you open it "Oh! hi sweetie" you said and kiss his cheeks.

"Come in" you said to your boyfriend, Rei Ryugazaki, he sat on the sofa and put the Tupperware on the round table.

"You look tired" you said and sat beside him "Only a little bit but don't worry I'm not that tired" he said and smiled.

You raised your left brow "Okay, what did you bring?" you ask and get the Tupperware from the round table "Homemade Cookies" he said and you smiled widely.

"My favorite! thanks sweetie" you said and kiss his cheeks again and he nod, you started to eat the cookies while watching T.V., then you look at him, he was caressing his shoulder.

"Are you okay?" you ask him "yeah" he said and smiled, you put the Tupperware on the round table and face him "turn around sweetie" you said to him "Why?" he ask.

"I'm going to massage your shoulders" you said "No need, thank you", "Rei" you said and cross your arms "Okay you win" he said and turn around, you start to massage his shoulders.

"Ah...that felt good" he said and you smiled, after 10 minutes you're done massaging him, he lay his head on your lap while you caressing his hair "Are you feeling fine now?" you ask him.

"Yes I'm fine, thank you (Y/n)" he said and smiled, you kiss his forehead that made him blush "Take a nap Rei" you said "Can we take a nap together?" he ask.

You smiled "Okay" you said and turn off the T.V., you lay down beside him and he kiss your forehead.


You woke up and sat, you rub your eyes and look at Rei, he's still sleeping and you look at the clock it's 8 pm, you stood up and stretch.


You flinch and cover your head "I hate thunders" you mumble then you heard Rei laugh.

"You should see your face" he said and continue to laugh, your face crumble and you smack him on the arm.

"Ow!" he said "That's what you get idiot" you said and went to the kitchen to cook dinner.

"I'm sorry!" he yelled.


You're done cooking and setting the table, you went to the living room and saw Rei staring at the ceiling.

"Dinner's ready, are you okay?" you ask him and he look at you "Yes, but I don't think I could stand up, I feel like my body is beaten up" he said.

You cross your arms "I told you, don't practice hard" you said "Sorry" he said, you sigh "Come on, let me help you sit" you said and pull his arms to help him rise.

"Thank you" he said and rest his back on the sofa "Wait me here" you said and went to the dining room.


"What's this?" he ask as he gets his bowl from you, you pout "It's Miso soup Rei" you said and sat beside him.

"We're eating here?" he ask "Isn't it obvious?" you said and start to eat "Why so mad?" he ask while chuckling "I'm not mad" you answered.

"Really?" he ask again, you glare at him "Now, now! I'm just making the mood light" he said "Sorry" you apologize and he pat your head.

*10 minutes later*

You two are done eating, you're washing the dishes and he's taking a warm bath, he had spare clothes in your closet.

You heard him went out the bathroom and you're done washing "(Y/n)" he called, you wipe your hands on your apron and went to him "Yeah?" you ask.

"Umm..." he said while blushing, you raise your left brow "What?" you ask again "W-where do you hang your undergarments?" he ask.

"Of cour–" you froze and blush deeper, you forget to get your underwear in the bathroom.

My ghaaaaaad (Y/n)! how stupid of you!

You clear your throat "Uh...you didn't stare at it for a long time right?" you ask him, he blush deeper "O-of course, w-why would i-I stare it" he said and nervously laugh.

"I-I'm going to change" he said, you sigh "O-okay j-just...just forget about it" you said and went to the bathroom to get your (Fav. color) underwear.

You look at the mirror, your blushing like a tomato "How could I forgot this?" you ask yourself then you it slid inside your pocket your underwear.


You're done washing the dishes and you hang the apron then went up to your room to get some clothes, when you come inside he was lying on your bed.

"Are you feeling fine now or not?" you ask him, he look at you "I'm feeling tired" he said "You need to sleep" you said to him.

You went to your closet, you pick your white t-shirt with teddy bears and white pajamas, then you pull your underwear from your pocket and grab your towel.

"I'm going to take a bath" you said and went down.


You're done taking a bath, so you turn off all the lights in the living room, kitchen and dining room then went upstairs to your room.

When you went inside, Rei is sleeping, you turn off the lights and lay beside him, you're surprised when he hug you behind the back.

"I thought you're already sleeping" you said and face him "I'm waiting for you" he said and smile.

"Aww...Goodnight sweetie" you said and hug him "Goodnight" he said and kiss your head.

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