Handcuffs and Flashlights

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Dedicated to @MeishaMarsella. Thanks for the request! I hope it's kinky enough for you. xD Requests are still open. Anybody want one? Comment or PM me! Thanks a ton! 

"Meisha?" Hunter wandered bare foot down the hill, following the sound of footsteps he heard in the autumn leaves. "Where are you going?" he whispered, groping around the dark blindly. When he finally made it to where Meisha stood, there was enough light from the full moon to see her, staring at the lake and smiling. 

She plopped down on the grass a short ways from the edge of the water, leaning against the seat of a wooden bench, and clicked off the flashlight she had used to guide them there. Hunter shook his head and sat down next to her, slinging his arm about her shoulders habitually. 

"Why did you bring me here?" he wondered aloud, after a moment of staring at the glistening pool of water, reflecting the rays of the moon. He looked over at her, and she bit her lip. 

Her hand caressed his thigh, and he could feel himself getting harder with every tiny movement of her palm against his flannel pajama pants. For just a moment, her hand brushed over his groin, and he groaned. Then it was gone, and she was using her hand instead to drag his body down on top of hers. 

She kissed him fervently, opening her mouth and moaning loudly. He responded in kind, letting his tongue play a fiery dance with hers, passion sizzling like firecrackers between them, threatening to set the grass on fire. 

He groaned when her right palm slipped beneath his shirt, stroking the taut skin of his muscled back. His hands wandered as well, up and under her thin white tank top and straight to the kernel of her left nipple. She squeaked when he pulled on it, arching her back into his palm. 

Meisha's legs were suddenly wrapped around his waist, and he was supporting his weight on his elbows, which were digging into the grass beside her head. His tongue lapped at the spot behind her ear that made her shiver, and he sent shock waves of pleasure through her body as he gently nipped on her chin, bit her earlobe, and moved the neckline of her top aside to suck at her neglected breast. 

It wasn't until her hand found its way down the back of his pants, until her hand was roving over the naked skin of his ass, that he remembered where they were. He pulled away immediately, looking around like a criminal caught stealing. No one was here, and when he looked down at Meisha, she was smirking.

"We shouldn't be doing this out here," Hunter said, though his dick was screaming in protest even to the thought of stopping what they'd started. "We could get caught. There are police out here at night, you know." 

Meisha laughed, and lifted her hips off the ground to reach into the back pocket of her jeans, an action which pressed her most sensitive area against his hard and ready erection, making them both gasp with renewed fire. Hunter's eyes popped open wide when he saw what she had in her hands. 

"It won't matter if the police see us, Hunter. I'll already be handcuffed." She handed him the unassuming shackles and winked, the action matching the glint of challenge in the shine of the cuffs. He felt his entire body throb, imagining what she would look like, naked under the starlight, completely at his mercy and totally unable to escape him.

Instantly and irrevocably inflamed, Hunter kissed her again, simultaneously clipping one cuff onto her left hand. With the other, he shoved her tank over her head, baring her to the wide open world. Her skin was porcelain in the light, and her breasts were like identical ivory towers, begging for his touch. He denied them for a moment, stringing the handcuffs around the leg of the park bench and clinking the other one into place on her right hand. 

Hunter straddled her, leaning back to look at his work. Damn. She is so fucking sexy.

He let him mouth trail over her breasts and down to her navel. He licked at the spot just above her low-cut jeans until she squirmed beneath him. He laughed, and slowly unzipped her pants, dragging one finger over the tiny square of her thong. He let the tip of his finger arouse her for a moment, then moved to drag his shirt over his head and pull her jeans down to her ankles, where they became a different sort of bond. 

"I kind of like seeing you this way," Hunter exclaimed, unzipping his own pants and giving steel hard erection room to breath. "Completely at my mercy, that wanton look in your sexy eyes." Hunter leaned over to grab her hip, and his hand encountered something else: her flashlight.

He laughed, looking at the innocuous, palm-length, sleek light. With a wicked glint in his eye, he studied her, tapping the flashlight on his other palm.

"I wonder what we could use this for?" Slowly, he dragged her thong off, and ran the little toy up the inside of her thigh. Her hips raised involuntarily, and she squeaked again.

"Yes," she muttered, though Hunter was not sure if she was giving her consent or answering a question he hadn't asked. Not that it mattered. The flashlight moved further up, pausing for a moment just on top of her folds, then going in to play with her clitoris in a way that had her biting her lip to keep from screaming.

"Hunter...please..." He stopped suddenly, and moved the flashlight away, giving her body a moment to come back from the brink. He rolled the light up her body, still wet from below. Up over her breasts, down the slope of her generous curve, all the while his eyes burning intently into hers.

With no warning, he moved the flashlight back down, plunging it straight into her and pulsing it at a lightning speed. She moaned. Her body was begging for release, her hands longing to reach down and make it happen, but she was tied to the park bench and could only thrash like a wildebeest.

"Hunter! Fuck!"

He stopped again, removing the flashlight and leaving her quivering just on the edge of orgasm. He reached down to hold her knees apart, sensing that she was so close that even the smallest movement of her core would send her toppling over the edge. 

The cool breeze of the night brushed over her inflamed core, and she eventually relaxed again. This time, Hunter bent his head to lick at her juices, as though they were the elixir of life. 

She couldn't stop it this time. She came, hard, straight into his waiting mouth, there to lap at it like a dog.

"Oh, shit!" He didn't even let her come down before his cock was out and he pushed inside her, following the flashlight in a deeper, fuller intrusion. He thrust, slowly at first, then picking up speed, until he was moving faster than he ever had before. His hands moved to her breasts and his bent to kiss her ravenously. She bucked beneath him, almost regretting the handcuffs. She wanted to badly to touch him, to grab his ass and help him find his release.

"Hunter..Hunter...Ah, fuck!" She cried out, biting her lip until it bled. 

"Meisha..it's coming. Are you...come with me! Meisha!" 

They exploded together, and Meisha was glad he'd had the thought to kiss her just as it happened, because she was sure the noise would have woken the neighbors had he not. 

When they had clothed themselves again, they went back to their house, both walking on legs that felt like gelatin. 

"I can't ever look at that flashlight the same," Hunter announced, throwing it resolutely in the trash can.

Meisha smiled. "That's okay. I can never look at a policeman again."

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