2 The Key Ingredient for Devil's Dust (3/7)

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"Are you sure I won't fall?" Luster anxiously asked the nymph as she was pulled atop a branch far above the ground. "Why do we have to be so high? Are you sure this is the only place where it grows?"

"You sure ask a lot of questions when you're scared," Wist commented as she ripped a patch of red mosses from the bark of a tree and tossed it in her small saddlebag.

"I'm well within my right to when I'm over a yard above the ground."

"You won't be going far with the attitude. My mom says that those who can't rise to the challenge are always destined for failure."

"Well what I have planned for the future won't have anything to do with tree climbing; at least I hope so."

"Really?" Wist startled the filly when she approached her, wobbling the branch a slight. "What do you want to be?"

"Easy, Wist," Luster voiced. "You're the only one with wings here."

"Come on, tell me. I want to know."

"Okay, okay, just stop moving about like that." Luster made a mistake by dawning her eyes below, taking in how high she climbed. Her hooves immediately latched onto Wist. "Sweet Twilight, why did I let you talk me into this?"

"Luster," Wist whined. "Why won't you tell me?"

"C-can you hold me first?" Luster asked. "If you do that, then I'll tell you."

Wist adhered to the filly's request and pulled the filly close to her as she leaned to the bark of the tree.

"Wow, how do you feel so cold in this heat?" Luster asked.

"Luster," Wist eyed at Luster.

"Oh, right... Well, I've always envisioned doing great things. I don't know what that is exactly, but I'm hoping that the Princess will one day point me in the right direction."

"The Princess?"

"Yeah, Princess Twilight has done a lot of great things for Equestria. Plus, she's said to possess a vast knowledge of magic, surpassing even that of the late Starswirl the Bearded. If I can just have her look my way, I bet she can make me a wise wizard."

"So you want to be a wizard?" Wist concluded. "That almost sounds like what I want to be."

"You want to be a wizard too?"

"Well, not that. What I want to be is a witch."

"A what?" Luster widened at the nymph. "You can't be a witch? A witch is the complete opposite of a wizard. They're bad creatures. ."

"Witches aren't bad," Wist retorted. "My mom is a witch and she hasn't hurt a single creature. Well, except for bugs and animals, but those don't count."

"Your mom is a witch!?"

"Cool, right?" Wist smiled. "I'm going to be just like her when I grow up. Sprucing up drugs and potions and learning all sorts of magic."


"Don't give me that look," Wist glared at Luster's concerned face. "Being a witch is ten times better than being some wizard. Mom said that there's like hundreds of them. But not many can be a witch."

"You have a lot of faith in your mother," Luster frowned. "Don't you?"

"That's a weird question to ask," Wist furrowed her brow. "Don't you have a mom as well?"

"I do...," Luster admitted. "Hey, I have something I want to share with you."

"You do?"

Luster lit her horn as a pocket within her small saddlebag glimmered, whisking out a necklace with strings of seashells.

"Here," Luster floated the necklace around Wist's neck. "I want you to have this."

"What is it?" Wist used a hoof to examine the necklace.

"It's something I made from school today. I was planning on giving it to my mom, but I think you'll need it more."

"Wow, I've never gotten a gift from a stranger before, thanks."

"You know my name," Luster voiced. "And we're not strangers anymore. We're friends."

"We are? When did that happen?"

"Wist, we've spent the whole afternoon together collecting plants. Don't you think we've bonded enough to be pals?"

"I don't know," Wist answered. "I've never had a friend before. It's always just me and my mom."

"Well, I promise it'll be more than that from here on."

"Ugh, I hate promises, they're always so hard to keep."

"Well, you'll find that I don't go back on mine." Luster proudly said.

"If you say so," Wist grinned. "But don't expect any from me."

"You're being selfish, Wist" Luster voiced.

"No, I'm not. If I was, I would've let you fall already."

"Hey, don't joke about that," Luster tightened her grip around Wist. "Can we please get off this tree already? We already got what we came for, right?."

"I'm not carrying you," Wist pointed out.

"You have to," Luster argued. "That's what a good friend would do."

"Golly," Wist gave a sadistic smile. "I guess I'm a bad one then. Have fun living off the mosses and leaves."


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