Chapter 0.7

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|| Madison ||

"And I hope it hurts like hell!
And I hope it hurts like hell!
You should have never let me go!
I know I'm messing up your mind!
The devil got you good this time!
And I hope it hurts like hell!
I really hope it hurts like hell!"

I practically screamed out the lyrics to the Madison Beer song while in the shower as I scrubbed my body with my favourite peach scrub that I had gotten as a gift from aunt Celinė.

Today is going to be a good day.

I'm not too sure why I'm convinced of that though.

Maybe it's because when my body woke me up at the ungodly hour of six am, I was unable to fall back asleep so I ended up on my laptop. The first good thing I saw was in my student inbox from my creative writing professor. It was the final grade on the writing paper that Kayli and I had handed in last week. With a 94% grade and positive feedback with only a bit of constructive criticism, I was very chuffed about that. That coupled with an email in my personal email inbox from Youtube notifying me that Noel Miller had uploaded a new video of him and Cody Ko playing the Love Island game really made my morning.

Just after seven am I got out of bed which lead me to my current situation: jamming in the shower.

Once I was done showering I decided to spoil myself with a face mask because why the hell not?

Do you ever get those days when you don't know why you're in such a pumped mood but you just are? Ya, that's me today.

With my face mask on and a towel wrapped around my frame, I made my way into the kitchen to make some coffee and some breakfast.

As I turned the coffee machine on, my shuffled playlist suddenly stopped playing due to my phone ringing. The caller ID showed Calum's name.

"Good morning, Calum," I answered the call.

"Morning, Madison. You sound rather chipper this morning."

"I guess I do," I giggled. "Anyways, what can I help you with?"

"I was wondering if you're free this morning? I'd love to take you out to breakfast because you and I have a lot to talk about."

"Oh, we do?" I questioned as I placed my coffee mug underneath the thing that let the coffee out.

"Hmm. I mean, the manuscripts spoke for themselves but I have a lot of comments and questions only you can put to rest."

"Sure," I agreed. "Breakfast sounds good then."

"Awesome. Shall we meet at the River Bistro? That's the one on fifth street."

"Ya, I know where that is," I said, recalling having driven past it multiple times before.

"Great. Shall we say uh, ten? My classes start at twelve today so that should give us plenty of time."

"Ten is perfect," I agreed, also having classes that started at twelve today.

"Wonderful, see you then, Mads."

"See you then, Calum."

When the call ended, I quickly prepared my coffee and then went back into my bathroom to wash off the face mask and then do a quick exfoliation before going back into my room and sitting at my makeup table and putting in my contacts because today was going to be a no glasses day.

Because it was windy and raining this morning and probably would be for the rest of the day, I decided that my make up was going to contrast the day.

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