Chapter 0.17

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|| Madison ||

"Mads, boyfriend at two o'clock," Kyle said to me with a small smirk which caused me to look towards the door to see Calum entering the store.

When our gazes met I instantly felt flutters in my stomach. It's been like that pretty much for the entire week of our relationship so far.

I won't lie, I had no idea what to expect going into this relationship but I'm happy to report that I quite like being Calum's girlfriend.

"Hi," He grinned at me when he approached the counter.

"Hey," I smiled back, "welcome to the Bookworm. Anything I can help you with?"

He gave me a teasing smile when he realised what game I was playing. "Um yeah, I'm looking for something new to read, preferably a romance novel."

"Oh, anything in particular?" I asked him.

"Well my girlfriend, who by the way is very cute and really great, recommended the book Until the End of Time. Do you have it? It's a Danielle Steel novel."

I had to suppress my grin at the request. The other night I had made my shock very clear when Calum mentioned he hadn't read Until the book Until the End of Time yet and he made a promise to read it soon.

"You're in luck cause we do," I said as I came around the counter. "Your girlfriend sounds like she really knows her stuff with good books, huh?"

"Eh, she's alright," He shrugged with a boyishly teasing grin that was just so freaking cute.

The section where the romance genre was located was somewhat closed off from any prying eyes and I could greet my boyfriend in peace.

"Hey, sweetheart," He murmured as he pulled me into a hug.

"Hi, lief," I said softly.

When his lips gently met mine my knees did that thing where they nearly gave in because seven days into our relationship and I'm still not used to all the feels Calum gives me.

"I thought we were seeing each other tonight," I said when we had pulled away. "Or did I get it wrong and mix you up with my uncle? Because I think he and I are supposed to be going out for lunch now I having lunch with you? Or am I just confused?"

He laughed. "No, we are seeing each other tonight but I figured I should use my free hour to come through and get the book and bonus perk, see you as well."

"Ohh, okay," I giggled.

"I feel like I haven't seen you in ages," He said with a sulky frown.

"We saw each other yesterday," I laughed as I reached for the book.

"Yeah, but that was just for a little while. Grabbing coffee between classes doesn't equate to spending time with you," He said matter-of-factly.

"You're so cute," I giggled.

"Wrong. That's you, sweetheart," He winked at me.

After I had rung up Calum's purchase, he stuck around while I quickly changed out of my work shirt and back into a regular t-shirt because my shift was just about to end.

"How do you feel about sweet potato fries?" Calum asked me as we stood leaning against the counter while I waited for my uncle, "cause my mom sent me a recipe for them and I wanna try it out tonight."

"That sounds great," I said to him. Ugh, I got me a mans that can cook, can I get a hell yeah?! "And I've got a little bit of free time today so I'll try my hand at baking and bring something for dessert."

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