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"Oh hello i didn't know anyone was here i am usually the only one here early" "Um yeah, i just um am waiting for lor-" my voice stops as i look up slowly making direct eye contact with the petite blonde holding a coffee and headphones dangling by her neck, i stutter as i can't even think for a moment, my jaw physically dropped, my knees now weak, butterflies swarming my stomach, my throat now dry.

There she was, Kate fucking Mckinnon!

"Are you okay?" she said walking closer to me with a concerned tone and expression, "I- i mean yeah i'm sorry, i'm just starstruck i guess, you're kate mckinnon! sorry i mean like i know that, i prepared myself for working together but jesus christ i didn't prepare enough, sorry um the effect of women you know, i mean you would know haha okay um i have to go before i embarrass myself any longer sorry" i rushed past her as i headed straight for the bathrooms immediately locking the cubicle and letting out a breath i didn't know i was holding. As i run the situation over and over in my head i felt like an idiot blurting out my first conversation with kate and running away, i mean could i be anymore myself though.

After washing my face and giving another regular pep talk i decided to walk back as the day was starting to begin. With a soft swiftly knock to the wooden door it was once again opened by Lorne, he opened it wider revealing the large room filled with the cast around the famous read through table preparing ideas for the week as Lorne claps his hands 3 times as soon as the third clap hit everybody's eyes were on him, like hypnoticism. "Everybody, i would like to introduce the new writer here so give a warm welcome to Ashley Maree!" cheering emits as i try to hide my face in a shy smile and my stack of colour coded folders and ideas. "Okay now let's get to work kiddos" brought some relief to tension in my body as i soften my shoulders and take the only seat available which was directly in front of who? you guessed it! kate, oh how lovely.

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