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Note taking was important for me to not forget valuable things during learning of everything that runs in a week at snl, Sitting next to Aidy and Melissa, they were quick to start mini conversations with me about what to note down, they could tell i was shy in not replying with words and only nods, they told me that everyone there is basically introverts and it was easy to find something in common and be trusted which was good to note as well.

In listening to whoever was pitching ideas i could feel a glare my way and when i looked up kate would be looking at me in awe with her shiny pink lips opened the slightest as she clicked her pen repetitively, this happened multiple times and if she caught me staring she'd throw a wink my way and lick her lips. Jesus, we hadn't even gotten to talk yet and she was undressing me with those bright sparkling blue eyes, anybody could cut the tension in the air with a chainsaw.

When kate wasn't staring me down i was attempting to contribute and pitch some of my own ideas which i'm glad did good in delivery and was picked in the ones that would running for that week! Oh how proud i was of myself i even gestured for a high five toward melissa, which she giggled at before high fiving me back.

Once this part was over it was already time for lunch! Well time flies when you're having fun, slowly each cast member and writer gave their orders to the interns and went collectively to their seperate offices. One intern even told me which office i would be in, with kate and aidy! my dream room but i couldn't muster up enough courage to go in just yet, so i decided to go get my lunch along with the interns.

being a dreamer Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin