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"Oh there you are ash," kate says linking eyes with me and approaching me in awkwardness twiddling her rings and not making eye contact, oh the nickname how that hit different being emitted from her mouth, "Uh i was wondering if i could ask you something?", Oh how adorable she looks nervous okay she wants to ask something stop daydreaming, "Yes of course, what's up?" i add a light smile in the mix.

"Would you like to go to dinner with me? um after the show this week," "yes" "because of your social anxiety i just assumed you wouldn't go to the after party so instead i can take you out or even just at my apartment if going out is too much that's fine to, wait did you just say yes before i could even finish my thought?" "i- uh maybeee" i say dragging out my response.

She blushes and chucks a dork smile at me, "Alright well it's a date, i'll try not to be too excited all week" she finishes with a wink, i look at her and smile my cheeks definitely pink now "can't wait" i say as she starts to run down the hallways and pump a fist in the air. "HEHE LESLIEEEE I DID ITT!" "NO YOU DIDNT BITCH! THE HELL" i hear in the distance while i giggle and shake my head, what am i getting myself into is an afterthought.

On the train ride, the walk home and even at the grocery store my face wouldn't drop the smile i was given, in one day at my dream job, i met one my idols, i basically met my dream girl and have a date already?! Once home my cat was the first to greet me, then along hops my bun, yes they are out during the day and don't chew up all my stuff because i trained them back in australia. This could be seen as psychotic and chaotic but i talk to my pets, yes with that dumb high pitched animal baby voice but i can't resist it when i see those fluffy faces, i was quick to tell them about my day, sometimes drifting off thinking of kate and our date and how everything was finally content my life.

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