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In realisation that i could do whatever i wanted brought some reassurance to my sprawling mind, i decided to go do something fun. Soon blasting music in a perfectly temperature shower i sang my heart out, when done i put on my favourite outfit with a smile placed upon my face i grabbed my keys departing my apartment.

Alright fine I hadn't left yet but it's fine i'm not on any schedule, i was close to opening the door but my cat, oh what a beautiful cat perfectly laid across the door mat, i just had to pet his little face. Okay after feeding said handsome cat, i opened the door and started to lock it from the outside when i had stumbled on a box on the ground, quickly catching myself and finishing locking the door i picked up the box labelled from my family.

With a merry smile now on my face i walked out down the stairs in wonder of what this package could contain. I always liked to open my presents at the exact time of my birth just something i loved to wait for, it was still early i checked my apple watch only stating it to be 11am as i thought of lunch my stomach began to growl silently, well that's decided i guess, the first thing to do as a 36 year old was to grab some foood.

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