Chapter 1: Ignite

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SCP-4619: Light Containment

   The dim fluorescent lights above shone down brightly upon the bland cell walls and floor. Sat on a steel bed in the corner of the cell, the humanoid tapped her leg frantically and gripped the edge of the bed, with a twinge of rage beginning to surface. The cameras in the corners of the cell followed her every move. If she even had a thought about releasing her anger, they would extinguish her in an instant.

   The girl—they called her Allume—closed her eyes, feeling an existential thought come over her. Why was she here again? This cramped, confined place that she was forced to call home. Her file had it all; every disturbing, bloody detail on why she brought to this facility. Her situation was not likened to an arrest following a trial like most criminals. No, she was taken here, against her will, without any memory of what happened. And what did she get in return? She was tested on, just like she was before.

    Shaking the memories of her past from her mind, Allume figured she should calm down anyways. If she was to get any more worked up, she feared they would turn on the sprinklers...She laid back on her bed, in that empty cell, wishing there was something to do. She had been on a tight lockdown since her last breach. She looked up at the ceiling and targeted her gaze on one of the cameras, shooting it a glare.

"Can I at least get a pencil or something?" Allume called out to the doctors behind the screens, watching the live feed from her cell. Her plead was met with an echo and she rolled her eyes in response.

   Suddenly a bump outside her cell door shook her from her annoyance and boredom. She could hear the shouts of the MTF guards from just outside. Before she could sit up at the sound, her door opened slowly, guards surrounding the doorway on the other side.

   "You are being requested for an experiment. Come with us. Fail to follow these instructions and you will be shot where you stand," The guard in the middle spoke.

   Hearing this, Allume stood compliantly and faced the guards. She looked them up and down for a moment, then let out a small laugh into her hand. A laugh so sinister that it rattled the helmets of the guards. The MTFs all looked at each other, just as confused as the next. Allume then took a step forward and placed one hand on her hip.

   "Are you sure?" She stifled another laugh, speaking directly to the middle guard, "I highly doubt that."

   She took another step forward, close enough that the butt of the guard's gun dug into her stomach. She gazed into his eyes, slid her hand under his helmet and ran a single finger across his jaw. Her hand then traveled down his shoulder to his arm. Swiftly, she grasped his arm tightly as her hand began to increase heat sharply.

   "Honey, I can kill you right where you stand." Allume whispered softly to him with a smirk spreading across her face.

   The guard pushed his gun deeper into her abdomen as she continued to burn his arm. Through all of this, their eyes remained locked on each other. The other guards were dumbfounded and speechless, hardly moving a muscle to protect their fellow man.

   She watched his finger move to the trigger and waited. He was centimeters away from putting a bullet in her stomach when she fully ignited her hands and gripped his shoulder, pulling back her other hand and delivering a punch to his face. When her fist connected, the glass of his helmet cracked, splintering like a spider's web. The force of her punch sent the guard to the ground, with his hands protecting his face.

   He shouted from the ground, "Don't just stand around like idiots!"

   The rest of the guards jolted from their stupefied manner and started towards Allume, ready to take her down. She was not fazed by their attempt at vigor. The flames of her hands burst higher and brighter, lighting her face from below. She eradicated the first guard immediately, elbowing him in the throat, ripping his helmet off and igniting his head. The last guard shot off a few rounds, all missing his target, before she grabbed his gun and knocked him down with it. She finished him off by surrounding her boot with flame and crushing his windpipe.

   The original guard stared at his fallen comrades in awe as they turned to dust piles on the floor. "You won't get away." He spat as she sauntered towards him. She laughed dryly in response and placed her foot against his throat.

   "Oh but won't I?"

  Using his free hand, the last standing guard promptly grabbed the girl's ankle and jerked her down to the hard concrete floor with him.

A/N: hey guys! this first chapter is a bit short but i am currently working on typing out the following chapters to get them uploading within the next few days. this is my first book in a long time so i'm just starting to get used to publishing online again.

The Breakout (SCP OC Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora