Chapter 2: Blood

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Outside 4619's Cell: Light Containment

Allume hit the ground quickly with a loud thud after the MTF pulled her ankle. Pain shot through her foot, up through body and into her head, throbbing and aching. The rage bubbled up in her chest, just begging to burst. She was indisposed at the moment, and she could barely conjure a single spark.

Regaining her composure and most of her vision, she glanced around at her surroundings. The MTF guard lay beneath her, his gun strewn across the room. His gaze followed her's to his firearm and they simultaneously had the same realization.

They began to fight each other, struggling to keep the other away from the gun. After a few weak punches, the guard took the upper hand, squirming out from underneath her and smashing her to the ground. He brought his fist down to her as hard as possible, connecting with her face creating a satisfying crack which echoed throughout the hallway. With each repeated throw, Allume felt her vision getting blurrier, and the blood flowing from her face expelling quicker.

Once he was satisfied, he stood and spat down at her. She coughed, blood splattering out of her mouth and mixing with the rest of the blood on her face. The pain would be unbearable to others but she had dealt with worse. At least the guard hadn't shot her... yet.

Looking down at his dead companions, the MTF guard sighed in defeat. He pulled his helmet off, revealing his face and his hair. Freckles dotted his face in several places, probably from the sun judging by his slight tan. His curly strawberry ginger hair fell in tangles around his face and contrasted against his skin. Most of the curls were tied back in a messy bun but stray strands framed his face gently in an ethereal sort of way. His twin hazel eyes shone calmly in his face. Although they were peaceful, they seemed to pierce Allume's soul as he peered down at her.

She thought for a second that he would kick her just to spite her, but to her surprise, he offered his hand instead. She was hesitant to take it, how could she trust him? She leaned back on her elbows to look up at him. Her look must have been inquisitive because he rolled his eyes and sighed, his shoulders slumping, in response.

"Listen, I don't have time for this. If you want to escape, take my hand. Or don't and I'll throw you back into your cell with the sprinklers on." He extended his hand further as he spoke.

The sprinklers... She shuddered at the thought of the ice cold water hitting her burning skin like tiny bullets.

"What's the catch?" She inquired, regarding his hand with a look of disgust.

"Catch? There is no catch. If you really want to leave this—" He gestured to the facility they were enclosed in, "—awful place, I'll let you go. You were willing enough to fight hard against us to escape. I admire that."

She glanced at him oddly once more and took his hand reluctantly. He, quite abruptly, pulled her to her feet and braced her to keep her from falling. As he let go of her, he walked over to pick up his gun and placed his helmet down.

Clearing his throat, the MTF guard spoke up again, "There's only one thing I ask."

"Of course. There's always something with you people." She sighed and closed her eyes. "What do you want?"

"I want to come with you." He replied in a calm tone.

His gun clicked as he reloaded it and her eyes shot open.


He smirked in amusement to her reaction as he walked back towards her.

"I hate it here. Do you think I actually enjoy throwing myself in the line of fire by keeping extremely dangerous creatures in containment? I barely have any time away from here and I don't want to risk becoming a D-Class. Just let me come with you. I can help you. It's a win-win." He justified, looking at her matter-of-factly like he knew she wasn't going to say "no."

She pondered on the idea for a moment. She couldn't stay here any longer and the containment was driving her insane with boredom. She supposed that she could trust him for the time being.

"Fine, but I swear if you try anything, I'll burn you again." She said, making him grab his burned arm protectively. "I hope you won't mind us picking up some others along the way."

A/N: oh jeez i almost lost all of my progress on this multiple times. i hope u all enjoy tho!

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