Chapter 3: The Past

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The hallway was silent for a few moments. The MTF guard wasn't sure how to respond. "Who exactly?" He asked, worried about the consequences of what he had gotten himself into.

The MTF guard stared at Allume, wide-eyed. She smirked in response as they started their journey to the first cell on their route. "You shouldn't be asking me that. You should know by now."

He rolled his eyes and huffed, stretching his arms up towards the ceiling. His tanned, scratched up hands grazed the cold metal ceiling above them as they walked together. Allume admired his figure as he stretched. He was very tall, she thought. Although, she was quite short herself. His torso was elongated, likewise for his arms and legs. She pondered again on the thought of his tan skin. He must have spent a lot of time in the sun before this. Beneath his tight ginger curls, she could see his freckles scattered across his face. They spread from his cheeks up to his eyebrows and his forehead. There were splotches of freckles across his neck and collarbones. They were dotted along the tops of his hands as well.

Shaking herself from her entrancement, she cleared her throat and spoke up. "What's your name anyways?"

He brought his arms back down to his sides and looked at her quizzically as if he hadn't heard what she said.

"You never told me your name. I was just wondering if I'm going to be stuck with you, I should at least know your name." Allume repeated, looking away from the guard.

"Stuck? Wow, harsh." He chuckled lightly. "My name's Dane. Started working here as an intern once I turned 18 just to get some extra cash. Then they moved me to the guard sector and I've been part of MTF for about 2 years."

Allume stayed quiet as he spoke, intrigued by his story. "Sometimes they give me a break, usually during the summer. But other than that, I'm here 24/7. Lots of energy drinks for me." He closed his eyes and a small smile appeared on his lips.

"It's been interesting. I thought I was a part of something cool and top secret when I first started. Something that would look good on college applications. Then, I realized that all of this is crazy. I mean, you don't deserve this." He peered down at her just as she looked back up at him. The look in his eyes was familiar but she couldn't remember where exactly she had seen it before. Was he someone from her past? Surely if he was, he would say.

"What do you mean?" She asked, slightly startled by his knowledge of her past.

"I read your file." He looked away as they continued down the hallway. "You killed a man who was experimenting on you and torturing you. It was defense. That's no reason to lock you up in a place like this with literal monsters."

Allume said nothing. She gripped her arms in her hands where her scars resided. She was a bit embarrassed that he knew. Everyone in the facility that dealt with her had to read her file but she still felt as if it was an invasion of her privacy.

"And to make it worse, they're basically doing the same thing but they say that they're 'helping you and the rest of humanity.'" He air-quoted the last part, exuding a feeling of frustration. "Pfft, yeah." 

Dane took a deep breath, then sighed. "But it doesn't matter now because we're both getting out of here."

They reached an ominous looking elevator at the end of the hallway and they stopped. Allume pressed a key and the doors opened, revealing the inside covered in blood. Dane looked at her skeptically as they stepped inside.

"Where are we going?" Dane asked, cringing at the blood and feeling sick from the scent of the blood.

Allume ignored the liquid and pressed another key inside the elevator, causing the doors to close with a clang in front of them. Dane let out a groan, leaning up against the wall of the elevator.

"Please don't tell me we're getting him." He sighed, feeling more nausea flow over him.

Allume didn't respond aside from a sly smile as the elevator began to descend into the lower levels of the facility.

A/N: oh boy i wonder who it is :3 totally not,,,, tall dark and handsome,,,,,,, ANYWAYS- stay tuned for the next chapter

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