Chapter 5: The Surgeon

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Entering the cell, the two spotted a figure on a steel bed in the corner, a scalpel in his hand. The figure straightened as the cell doors clanked shut behind the pair. Cloaked and concealed in darkness, he stood and placed the scalpel into a leather-like bag beside him. Allume grinned and started forward again, approaching the figure swiftly. Dane swore under his breath as the figure turned to see the two standing in the middle of the cell. 

"Hey, Doc!" 

"Oh, Allume, it's just you." He spoke in his soothing voice, with a hint of British. "But, you've brought me a patient? Another infected... I must cure him."

The doctor approached the pair, his left hand outstretched as he strode forward. Dane pulled out his gun as a reflex and held it steady, aimed in the direction of 049, his finger just lightly pressing the trigger. 

"No wait!" Allume pushed herself in-between Dane and the doctor, "Doc, he's all good. He's not 'infected.' He's a friend."

049 pondered on her last word, as if he didn't understand. But he lowered his hand and unlocked his gaze from Dane. 

Allume saw the doctor loosen up and smiled, "He's going to help us escape."

The surgeon was silent as he looked between Dane and Allume. He had no choice but to believe her, although he trusted her more than anyone else in the facility. "Alright. I shall try my best not to touch him." As he said this, he pulled a pair of gloves out from inside his cloak. He replaced his former gloves with new ones he'd just retrieved. "These should prevent just that." 

Dane watched the surgeon warily, his gun lowered but still at a ready. He leaned close to Allume and whispered, "Are you sure we can trust him?"

Before Allume could answer, 049 had appeared next to them and answered for her. "You should trust me." He muttered from behind his mask. Dane jumped and nearly dropped his gun in surprise. 

"Jesus! How did you-" 

049 turned his gaze to the MTF guard as if it was obvious. "I have near perfect hearing. Just another thing I improved about myself." 

Allume, who had been watching the two bicker, sighed and took Dane's arm in her grasp. He tensed up slightly and looked down into her eyes. He couldn't describe them...They were stormy silver, like a cloudy sky. Just like the sky, she could become a raging storm in seconds. And although she was a storm, he found her scarily beautiful in a way. 

Seeing that they wanted to be alone, 049 exited through the cell doors and into the hallway to wait. Allume watched him leave then peered back up at Dane as she heard the doors close. 

"Dane, I know this is hard for you, but just try. Okay? You don't have to be best friends with him or whatever but, please. Trust him for the time being. He means a lot to me and I promise, you will get used to him." She smiled, in a way that made Dane smile, it was infectious. "And, you know, I can always step in, if needed."

She released his arm gently and began to walk towards the cell doors. In the back of his mind, Dane wished she hadn't let go. When she wasn't ablaze, her touch was sweet and caring. Her scent a mix of smoke, clove, and vanilla. It reminded him of home. 

A/N: aw dane :( ANYWAYS! the next chapter is mad interesting so i might take some time writing it. >:3 

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