Chapter 6 - VICTORY HURRAH! ^^

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Chapter Six

Victory Hurrah!

Waltz sailed through the air rather gracelessly, hanging onto the griffin's neck for dear life.

'....please don't die please don't die please don't die...' he chanted to himself.

It was true that he was able to transform into a flying beast, but this power was only granted to him when the witch needed him for her petty tasks or dirty work. If Waltz was to fall now, he would surely explode on impact on the first sharp rock he hit, or land on a flat surface as a very messy and very bloody pancake. Not a pleasant thought.

Waltz made a very unmanly noise, gritting his teeth and pulling at the griffin's feathers as he desperately fought to hold on. The griffin hissed angrily at having its feathers so harshly yanked out. It turned and tried to peck at him, Waltz dodging its strikes by mere particles.

The griffin hissed again, getting ever more irate that she was failing to strike him. But Waltz had all the agility and grace of a slippery frog.

The griffin began to descend.

Waltz dared to look below him, still clawing onto the griffin's neck as he tried his best to hang on, thinking frantically in his mind.

I don't want to be a pancake!

The griffin touched solid ground, and as Waltz gazed about him, he saw with alarm that they were standing on a nest, with three pink eggs.

'A griffin's nest!' Waltz said. 'And griffin eggs. Ow!'

The griffin began to peck him again, stabbing him in the head with her sharp beak.

'Flock off!' Waltz cried, shooing it away like it was a particularly annoying insect.

Instead of obeying, the griffin began to nibble the end of Waltz's scarf; slowly the scarf went into the griffin's mouth, like a hamster eating a piece of grass, or a paper shredder eating paper.

Waltz began to choke as the scarf tightened around his neck, his head ascending into the griffin's gaping mouth.


Waltz cleared his eyes feverishly as the griffin began to dribble on him.

'Ew gross.'

The griffin coughed then, spitting up a human skull that bounced off Waltz's head and landed on the floor beside him as he fell over.

Waltz looked down at it, eyes growing wide as he grinned fearfully.


He leapt to his feet again, trying to shuffle away from the griffin and nearly falling out of the nest.

Waltz teetered on the edge before gaining balance again. He glanced down at the drop behind him, which must have been like a thousand feet or something.

'Oh bugger...' Waltz uttered.

He straightened up again, looking at the area behind the griffin, seeing a distinct lack of the ground he expected.

It was not a cliff edge he found himself on, but a great pinnacle growing up from the earth, the top perfectly flat and level, perfect for a female griffin of this size to lay three perfect pink eggs.

'Oh' Waltz sighed, shoulders sagging. 'Crud.'

The griffin pecked at him again. Waltz yelped in protest like a puppy being kicked.

'Ow! Stop that!'

The griffin squawked at him.

'Don't answer me back!'

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