Extra Story

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Extra story

'I want to see the world' she admitted, 'and all the wonderful creatures in it. I want to test the limits of my powers, and see how strong a creature I am able to control with it, for even my father does not know.'

'Then why don't you?'

Emma raised her head, meeting Waltz's gaze.

'Responsibility' she answered.



'I have to go' Emma said, hearing her father call faintly from the guest house. 'My father is waiting for me.'

Emma turned and moved swiftly off, entering the guest house to see her father. It was in one of the quieter rooms upstairs that she found him.

'Emma' her father sighed happily, a smile spreading across his face. 'There you are. Who were those people you were talking to?'

Emma glanced out of the window at the strange band of five, moving away from the guest house as they headed to a nearby tavern to look for a job.

'They are just travellers' she answered.

'They look like guild members to me.'

She looked back at him.

'What did you want to see me for father?'

He reached towards her with a metallic hand, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear before stepping back.

'A friend of mine has been acting rather strangely' he began. 'He's become very secretive...he won't talk to me. I want you to go in my stead to see what is going on. I'm very worried about him.'

The fox that had accompanied Emma, curled up on the floor in the corner, tail over its nose, and began to sleep.

'Me?' Emma asked with confusion. 'But why?'

'He has a daughter a few years younger than you' her father said, '...named Lillian.'

'Lillian?' Emma echoed, lifting her head as the name was familiar to her. 'I know who she is.'

'Yes' her father nodded, moving away from her to stand by the window, his heavy footsteps from his false feet sounded loud on the floor, even through his boots. 'I fear she may be in danger. Her father...my friend...is not himself. I do not know what has happened to him.'

Emma fell silent, mulling this over in her head.

'Will you go for me?' her father asked her. 'Will you go to see if they are all alright? My friend and his family?'

'Yes' Emma replied. 'I will.'



It was a dark and stormy night when Emma reached the house of her father's friend, the rain lashed her as she went, and lightning forked through the sky.

She had used her father's horse to travel, and as she reached the grand manor that was the home, she felt a cold premonition settling over her.

She tied the horse up outside in the barn near the stables, running for the home and entering the front door without knocking.

Finally when she was out of the rain, soaking wet and chilled to the bone, she called out.

'Is anyone there?!'

It was at that moment the lightning flashed, and Emma saw a figure standing on the top of the tall flight of stairs.

The figure spoke.

'It was an accident...' he stammered. 'I didn't mean to do it......I d-didn't know what I was doing...'

And then Emma looked down, noticing the figure lying on the floor at the bottom of the stairs.

She ran forwards.


The child was cold to the touch, and utterly still.

'What have you done....?' Emma whispered, staring down in shock.

And then she gasped, realising with horror that the girl was still alive.

'....Emma.....' she sobbed, voice weak and trembling, '....is that you....?'

'Hang on' Emma told her urgently, 'everything is going to be alright.'

She glanced up at the father, standing atop the stairs.

'Don't just stand there!' she called up to him. 'Help her! Do something!'

But he did move, transfixed where he was he stared down at the girls in shock.

At the base of the stairs, peering around the corner was a cat, a sphynx; with large eyes and ears, and naked fleshy pink skin.

Hidden in the shadows, it watched the scene unfold.

'What are you doing?!' Emma screamed. 'Help her!'

Outside, the lightning cracked through the sky.

End of The Slayer Book One : )

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