Chapter 16

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Chapter Sixteen

Stubbornness Is an Annoying Personality Trait, So Is Not Listening

The now three members of the guild continued the rest of the way to the blue tower by foot, Waltz moodily cursing along the way and muttering bitterly to himself under his breath.

'Oh come on' Sumaey voiced at last when she was tired of his complaints. 'It's not all bad.'

Just as she said this, her stomach growled. The horse (newly named Squishy) had been carrying all of their food.

'I guess we should have unloaded the horse overnight' Sumaey mused aloud.

Waltz turned around to glance at her, giving her an expression as if she had just vomited a slug.

He then spotted Spirit who walked one step behind Sumaey. Spirit was glaring at Waltz silently.

Waltz swallowed nervously, turning to face ahead again. Spirit didn't talk that much, which Waltz liked. What Waltz didn't like was his piercing stare. Spirit had it in for him; he knew this, as if it wasn't blatantly obvious anyway. He suppressed a shudder as he stormed ahead.

Maybe he will slit my throat in my sleep Waltz thought darkly, or put fire-ant venom in my food...or a scorpion in my boot...

He glanced back again briefly. Sumaey was giving him a strange expression now; it was as if she knew what he was thinking.

Waltz gritted his teeth, staring intently ahead of him again.

Their journey was long and uneventful. It was long and boring and silent and long and silent and far longer than it should have been or would have been...had that stupid water elemental not scared away Waltz's precious stallion.

'My poor Squishy' Waltz lamented. 'Where are you now? Lost in the wilderness, frightened and alone. What will become of you?!'

'Your horse will be fine' Sumaey huffed behind him as they walked. 'Stop being silly.'

'But what if he gets lonely?' Waltz worried. 'What if some creature attacks him...or it gets cold...or there is a lightning storm....what if he is found by a herd of other horses and they pick on him.'

'Oh give me strength' Sumaey rolled her eyes irritably. 'You do realise that there are tons of wild horses roaming these lands, and they are all doing absolutely find without you. And besides' Sumaey added with a flick of her hair, 'he's a stallion. He would be pleased to find a herd of other horses I'm sure. He would be more than a match for any other stallion.'

'Do you think so?' Waltz whimpered, his lower lip trembling.

'Yes Waltz' Sumaey told him shortly. 'I do. Now stop worrying.'

Waltz bit his lip, falling silent.



Far away in the wilderness somewhere, was a bronze stallion with a dark mane and tail, still wearing some of his saddle bags. He flicked his tail contentedly, happily munching at the tall grass around him.



'Alright' Waltz said a long time later, slowing to a stop. 'We're here.'

Sumaey stood beside him, placing her hands on her hips and staring forwards, as on her other side Spirit stood. He cast Waltz a dark glare, before looking with the others forwards towards the manor built upon the cliff edge.

'There's the blue tower' Sumaey sighed wearily. 'We made it.'

The manor was a grand place, large and imposing, built of grey stone and all a single colour, save for the tower, which stood out brightly against the rest of the building. The windows were tall, and from several of the chimneys that could be seen, smoke churned from within.

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