Chapter 13 - The Wizard

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Chapter Thirteen

The Wizard

'So' Sumaey began as they wandered leisurely through the woodland a short time later, 'how do we find a wizard?'

Waltz hummed thoughtfully to himself, staring up at the branches above and tapping his chin as he pondered. 'Well...' he began, 'to find something....we need to know a little about it in order to know where to find it.'

Sumaey slowed to a stop, turning towards him.

'So?' she raised an eyebrow. 'What do you know about wizards?'

'If they are anything like witches' Waltz spoke slowly, thinking out loud, 'then I perhaps know enough to make it possible to find one.'


'There a very few of them' Waltz continued, 'that much I know.'

Sumaey leant back against a tree, folding her arms as she regarded him.

'Wizards...' he mused, '...witches...there are certain places where they like to hang out.'

Sumaey raised an eyebrow. 'Hang out?'

'Witches and wizards are very powerful' Waltz went on, '...but they were born that way, were born with all of their magic, and instinctively have the ability to use it to their fullest extent without even practicing. Unlike adventurers like myself who have to spend years learning to master the ability, and still have to rely on crystals to do so, and still only know a fraction of magic in comparison to them.'

'That must suck' Sumaey said off-handidly.

Waltz narrowed his eyes, barely hearing Sumaey's words. 'Witches and wizards...their magic lives within their very bodies.'


'The only non witch or wizard who is able to use magic so freely is....' He sighed, falling silent.

'Who?' Sumaey prompted, her curiosity piqued suddenly.

'The strongest guild recognised in this kingdom' Waltz said straightening. 'There are just three members, all human...or at least...that's what they were originally, I don't think even they know what they have become now. They had almost god-like powers, they're practically indestructible and invincible and immortal...all at the same time.'

Sumaey turned away. 'Wow' she said. 'Impressive.' She turned back to him. 'So how does that help us find a wizard?'

'The point I was eventually getting to' Waltz said, 'is that witches and wizards, despite being so powerful, rarely do their own work. They are smart, always planning and hatching clever little schemes. Some say they even control the king and queen of this kingdom....but that is just speculation and rumour...still.........I wouldn't be surprised...'

'So?' Sumaey said moodily now, getting weary that it was taking so long to get to his point. 'Where are you going with this?'

Waltz blinked slowly, frowning to himself.

'Witches and wizards are very clever, but they live in the shadows.' He paused. 'They are hard to find.'

Sumaey was growing ever more irritated.


'The best place we might find one...'




Waltz fell silent.

Sumaey huffed moodily, unfolding her arms and straightening up.

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