Chapter 20 - The Slayer

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Chapter Twenty

The Slayer

Waltz slid off Graham's back as they went along, giving the white stag a curious glance, finding it odd that he had carried him without fuss. Ever since Emma had done something to him, he had been just as difficult as before, though now he was far more willing to carry whatever they needed.

'I hope she's there' he lamented.

'What?!' Sumaey snapped back at him. 'Speak up!'

'Nothing' Waltz said a bit louder.

She glowered at him before facing ahead again, marching onwards.



They entered the massive doors of the bureau, which were always kept open, always, be it night or day.

They strode across the massive halls, catching a glimpse of only a small part of the bureau as they passed through, the various offices and officials dressed in their gold and brown robes, in the centre of which was the depiction of a diamond with a crescent moon inside. The symbol was so old, even the bureau had forgotten what it meant, though they continued to wear it all the same. It was tradition after all.

As they made their way to the correct room, after consulting a large diagram of a map (the layout of the building and where to go for what) they saw the most interesting collection of beings a person could have seen anywhere.

Creature that were so bizarre that they had no name, other creatures that were very common (like centaurs and angels and friendly dragons, goblins and even a werewolf who was for some reason trapped in its animal form, even though it was midday) the was also a colossi that was so large that it filled the entire room (don't ask how it got there) and seemed to be made of both earth, living matter, and stone (and was completely friendly). There were also people of every possible background you could imagine, from beggars in rags to powerful lords with immeasurable magic in their fingertips.

'Here we are' Sumaey said coming to a stop.

They had reached a section of corridor, at the end of which was a great desk of dark wood, behind there sat a bored looking man. Behind him was a larger room that opened out into what looked like other smaller offices.

'Are you ready?' Sumaey asked, glancing back at Waltz.

Waltz took a deep breath, balling his fists.

'No' he said, before taking a step forwards towards the desk.

They approached the desk slowly, Waltz and Sumaey walking side by side. Behind them Spirit, Graham and Loxus followed, Loxus's metallic feet clicking lightly on the smooth stone as they made their way forwards.

The bored looking man behind the desk glanced up as he heard this sound.

'Oh' he said, sounding genuinely interested for about half a second as he spotted the bizarre metallic contraption coming his way, before he lost interest and looked back down again.

Waltz and Sumaey stopped before the desk as the man continued to scrawl his illegible writing on the paper before him.

Waltz waited for a moment, before clearing his throat, doing so in what he hoped was a polite manner.

The bored looking man paused, placing his pen down on the desk. He folded his hands and looked up at them.


'We wanted to register a new guild' Waltz said to him, standing with his hands behind his back.

The official blinked slowly, glancing at each of the figures before him in turn.

The SlayerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz