After-Story Note

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After-Story Note

'Boy that scene was a little dark to end the story like that' Waltz noted.

'Whatever makes her happy I suppose' Sumaey replied flatly, folding her arms.

'We hope you enjoyed this book' Waltz said beaming, 'it was written in a different style to the other books Lady Lilium has done so far. We hope it wasn't too silly for you, and sorry if it's a little short. It was originally intended to be a bit longer, but things didn't turn out that way. Lady Lilium will not do fillers....unlike Bleach.'

'Waltz are you going to stand there and yak all day?' Sumaey asked moodily. 'We've got a game of volleyball to play.'

Behind her Spirit, Loxus and Graham had already started, the strange cat-thing sat at the edge of the court, watching in silence.

'I'm coming now' Waltz said. He smiled. 'This story is just the story to the story before the story began' he said, lifting a second ball in his hands to begin a new game, as Graham had popped the first ball on his sharp horns. 'We hope to see you in volume 2, Felix Let Loose, the second book in the Slayer series.' He threw the ball over the net, where Sumaey was waiting for it.

'Happy days!'


The SlayerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora