Chapter 4: Solo With Jace

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"Kim Sasha of the group FIRE came out with a solo song titled 'Gotta Go'. Fans are outraged that Sasha is receiving so much attention from the company and are saying he doesn't deserve the solo and that CHAENG Entertainment is rewarding him. Some even say that she's trying to cover up his vile behavior with projects and other things. Fans are outraged, saying she shouldn't excuse such a vile person and the horrible behavior he has done." An article said.

Sasha, once again, read the comments, crying at the sight of the mean things they were saying. Both MAKO and Tae were out in other places. Only Jace and Sasha were together. "Sasha...stop reading that. You're not allowed to read any of those comments." Jace said. He sat next to Sasha and close the tab that Sasha was reading. He then wiped Sasha's tears and hugged him tightly.

"I'm really not like they say...and I know I shouldn't be affected by what they say because I know myself better than that but I keep feeling bad about what they say about me..." Sasha said. "Am I really as horrible as everyone describes me...?"

"No're a great are so much more awesome than that...they don't know you...I know you. You're're beautiful. And your voice is so pleasant. You don't deserve all the hatred. Especially today...its your goddamn birthday...they need to mind their own damn business..." Jace said, holding Sasha's hand as he pulled away from the hug.

"You're too kind. You always know how to cheer me up in my time of need. You shouldn't be this nice yet you always are. Why?" Sasha asked him.

"Because...I know how beautiful you truly are. I know how kind you are. Others might not know but I do. I pay attention to you. You're my little youngling after all. I have to take care of you." Jace said, he laid back on Sasha's bed.

Sasha did too, laying next to him. They both stared at the ceiling. "What was your first impression of me?" Sasha asked.

"Beautiful crystal blue eyes. I still can't believe that you, a Korean boy, was born with beautiful blue eyes." Jace said. "Looking at your baby pictures shook me. They were a little darker in blue but as you kept growing older in photos, your eyes became lighter and lighter." Jace said.

"I got it from my dad. He's French. My mom is Korean. I mostly look like my mom but her husband is a blue eyed, blonde haired man. So you know, babies with blue eyes were bound to happen." Sasha said.

"You know...we should get up. I'll take you out to have a day of fun. I mean, after all its only 8 AM. Get up, let's go take showers and get dressed for a full day of fun." Jace said. He got up and grabbed some clothes and a towel. So did Sasha. They went to their individual bathrooms, took showers, put on some light makeup as they were forced to always look camera ready. They both went out and Jace took Sasha to the café that Sasha was in the night of the dinner incident.

"Oh my god! You're back!" The sister said, shocked that Sasha was there. He was wearing a mask so, to others, he didn't look recognizable but she was a hardcore Sasha fan, so she knew it was him. She walked them to the nicest and safest seat on the place and away from all those annoying paparazzi. They played Sasha's solo quietly as they still wanted a quiet environment. "What can I get you today, by the way, happy birthday, and hi Jace!" She said.

"Hi. Uhm, I want number 3. What do you want RoRo?" Jace asked Sasha.

"Thank you and Uhm...I want 3 too. And for a drink, can I get a French vanilla coffee?" Sasha asked.

"Sure! What about you, Jace?" She asked Jace.

"I'll have a soda." She took their order and hurried to get their food ready.

"What did she mean by again? You been here before?" Jace asked Sasha.

"Yeah. When I wasn't feeling too well, I stopped here and bought some food for me to eat since my stomach was growling and digesting itself slowly but surely." Sasha said to Jace.

"I'm guessing they asked you to sing for them and you did." Jace said to Sasha. Sasha nodded.

"Turns out I'm her bias. Her brother didn't know who I was but now he really likes our music." Sasha said.

The brother came by with their food and then asked Sasha and Jace to sign his sister's and his copy of their Album. They both did and then they ate peacefuly. They talked and laughed. Then they paid and headed out.

Jace took Sasha to an amusement park. They rode the teacups, and a few rollercoasters. Jace won a few prices for Sasha as well. "Hey Sasha, that panda too big for you to carry or do you want me to carry it for you when I win it?" Jace asked Sasha.

"It's big but I can carry it!" Sasha said cutely. He was having the time of his life with Jace. He never felt this overjoyed.

"Hehe! Okay!" He won Sasha the stuffed panda. Sasha carried it to Jace's car and then they continued to have fun, taking pictures and posting them on social media. It was about 8 PM and Jace took Sasha to a fancy restaurant. They dined together and talked about their interests. "You know, I really love cats. There's something about those little fluffers not giving me any love that makes me love them." Jace said.

"You have to really gain a cat's love. They will not love you until they fully trust you and even then, they will still attack you." Sasha said. They giggled talking about things. At 11 PM, they got in the car and headed home. It was pouring outside. Jace took an umbrella and pulled Sasha close.

They headed inside and Jace put the umbrella down. "You okay?" Jace asked Sasha.

"I'm fine." Sasha said, really scared of the thunder. They took showers and went to sleep, however, not even 10 minutes after going to their beds, Sasha ran to Jace, in fear. He was shaking from fear of the thunder. "Don't worry Sash...I got you..." Jace said, hugging Sasha.

They both fell asleep. Jace woke up first and looked at a peaceful, quiet, sleeping Sasha and thought to himself, "He's so beautiful..." He didn't fully realize what he was doing, but he leaned and kissed Sasha's lips. He hugged Sasha while Sasha continued to sleep. And then he quietly said to Sasha, "I love you Sasha...I promise to love you and cherish you...and protect you...through all of your hardships...And hopefully, one day, you'll fall for me and love me too..."

"...I do love you Jace..."

~To Be Continued~

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