Chapter 6: Threats/Joy

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As the people left, police officers walked in and grabbed those people. The people were detained for physical abuse. Jace went to Sasha and held him in his arms. "I'm so sorry Sasha...I couldn't get through the crowd of people...I should've been close to you at all times..."

"I-It's okay...I deserved it..." Sasha said. He looked down. His body was badly bruised however, his face was intact. There was only minor bleeding on the lip. His clothes were ripped as they were also trying to leave scars.

"Y-Your body're all bruised up..." Jace said while holding Sasha.

"I-I'll be okay..." Sasha said.

The siblings that worked in the store helped Sasha get cleaned up and gave them some free food. "You can stay here until the ambulance comes to check up on Sasha's wounds. I'm so sorry that this happened to you. We unfortunately don't have security in our restaurant." The sister said.

The brother gave Sasha some tea. "Drink this. This tea will calm your nerves and hopefully take down your pain levels to 2/10." The brother said.

They all swarmed around Sasha, not wanting more people to come in and disturb Sasha. The ambulance arrived and they checked up on Sasha's wounds. He had a bump on his left arm but otherwise nothing major. Sasha got to go home the next day. When he arrived, all the members were there, as well as Mikey, Lili, and Mrs. Chaeng. They all checked on Sasha. All of them were in tears, even Tae who never, during all the years they were trainees together, had he ever cried.

"Are you alright?!" Jace asked, holding Sasha's hand.

"Tell me what they looked like. I will sue them so hard and make sure that they end up in jail for 7 to 9 decades. Plus tax." Mrs. Chaeng said, showing true worry for the first time. Although Chaeng was always more about how certain actions could benefit the company, she worried about her artists sometimes.

"Please tell me they didn't cause you any major damage." Tae said. MAKO was so worried that he was talking in Japanese rather than Korean.

They all took care of Sasha and after some time, Sasha finally was able to say something to calm everyone down. "I'm fine. Don't worry guys. Everything is okay..." Sasha said. They all felt a little bit more at ease but they were still on edge.

"Hi. This is Alice Chaeng. I want to reinforce the security for the following artists: Kim Sasha, Park Jace, Makoto Takahashi, and Lee Taehyun." Ms. Chaeng said to the security team. They call agreed and sent their body guards to the location. The bodyguards would stand outside of the house and wait until the artists were to leave the house. "Okay. You all will be safe and away from the muggers and evil people."

"Thank you so much Ms. Chaeng. You've done a very kind and generous thing for us. I promise we will all be safe." MAKO said to her.

She nodded. She then took her leave. Mikey and Lili stayed for a couple more minutes before heading out. They started working on the song that Jace and Sasha had recorded in the studio.

"You feeling good Sasha?" Tae asked Sasha.

"Yeah, I'm okay...I'll go take a shower. In that hospital, I felt filthy." Sasha said. He got up and grabbed clothes.

"Do you want me to help you?" Jace asked.

"No thanks. I can do this by myself. Please trust me." Sasha said.

The days continued and the hate on Sasha worstened. "Why is such sexual and disgusting behavior just being passed off by CHAENG Entertainment? Why are they letting Kim Sasha get away with being such a disgusting human being? I'm glad that those people beat him up! He deserved it." One person tweeted about the incident. Soon, everyone started hating on Sasha.

Sasha was feeling really down and, during interviews, the interviewers would deliberately go out of their way to ignore Sasha. Sasha would just be sitting down, looking down at the watch that Jace bought him. He'd be rubbing it and looking up and everywhere. Months passed and the duet song was released.

Despite all the negative attention, this song received a lot of positive feedback. People were happy that there was a song like that in the kpop world, about two best friends living in a world of weirdness. "You can really hear Sasha's beautiful lower tone! What a cool song!" One person said about the song.

Sasha didn't hear much feedback about the song because most of it was about how cool Jace's rap was. Before Sasha knew it though, artists from YHC Entertainment and artists from CG Entertainment were calling Alice Chaeng, asking her if she could arrange for them to do duets with Sasha. They all really wanted to collaborate with Sasha.

"Sasha. I will show you a list of artists. You will tell me if you think they would make a good collaboration song with you." Mrs. Chaeng said. She showed a 20 artist list of people who wanted to collaborate. Out of all 20 people, only 6 people Sasha approved. "You have quite a picky taste."

"Well, you see, I like perfection. I'm kind of a perfectionist." Sasha said. Sasha met with the artists and recorded some verses. Sasha was at the top 10 male kpop artist list and it was finally for a good reason. Sasha was recognized for his abilities.

Soon, Chaeng called the entire group to the studio. They all helped Mikey, Lili, and their other producer, Geo, write a full length album for FIRE'S upcoming project. They were all excited. Sasha was finally able to write a song and they were all impressed. It was a song called "I Shall Dream." Although Sasha wrote it, he handed it to Tae for a solo. They all agreed, however Tae insisted in Sasha singing it as a duet.

Sasha and Tae agreed and Sasha sang a few verses of the song. They really didn't look underneath the song's figurative language to find out what it really meant. Except for Mikey. When FIRE was exiting the studio, Mikey pulled Sasha back and said. "What is this song about...? The lover you're talking about has no gender...and you're saying about a world where your disappearance won't be an issue...what does this all mean...?" Mikey asked.

"Don't worry about it. I'm okay. It's just a song..." Sasha said to Mikey. He then walked away. Little did Mikey know, that song meant something else.

~To Be Continued...~

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