Chapter 9: Womanizer Scandal

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"Obviously this is not good. Men should not be in a relationship with each other. And anyway, don't their contracts say that they can't date as it's a distraction?" One person said.

However mostly all the feedback was positive as people found it iconic that the so called best friends were lovers. At least that was the public misconception. Although it was also reality. But the public couldn't know.

CHAENG Entertainment released an official statement explaining what had happened in that situation. "Park Jace was simply helping Kim Sasha skate but Kim Sasha didn't have good enough balance, and he ended up falling on top of Park Jace." She said. She didn't really know what was going on but she would later find out the truth.

"REALLY? You guys are together?" Mrs. Chaeng asked. "Like an actual couple?"

"Well...yeah. Please, don't punish us. It's just, love is weird and it's unstoppable." Sasha said to Mrs. Chaeng.

Lucky for him, Mrs. Chaeng had a special place in her heart for him. She stopped using him for cash grabs and worried about him deeply as he was her youngest artist. "Okay...this is quite troubling...I will let you guys be a couple in guys will have to hide your relationship possibly even from your members. We cannot risk people finding out that you guys aren't single. If they find out you guys aren't single, they're going to destroy your relationship and the face of our company...especially the fact that you guys are in a same sex relationship. As you both may know, it isn't deemed right for men to be with each other." Mrs. Chaeng said.

They talked with Mrs. Chaeng a bit more and then headed home. With a whole week to spare before their next show, they headed to a restaurant in town and ate some food. "I wanna go to the zoo, can we??" Sasha asked Jace.

"Okay, we will go after eating. Don't eat super fast just because you want to go to the zoo. You will get really sick and I don't want that to happen to you." Jace said to Sasha. Sasha smiled, seeing how much Jace worried for him.

They ate their lunch and then headed to the zoo. "Babe, look at the shark!" Sasha said to Jace.

Jace blushed and then whispered to Sasha, "I love you baby, but we can't use babe or any type of pet call..."

Sasha nodded. The continued to look around the entire place. Sasha accidentally bumped into a girl while looking at the sharks. Sasha helped her up and cameras snapped a picture of this moment.

Hours later, once again Sasha became the subject of hatred amongst the KPop community. Everyone was calling him a womanizer and a man whore.

"Once again, you're targetted for the stupidest reason. I swear to God..." Jace said to Sasha. Sasha was reading all the hate comments. His heart hurting with how mean people were being. Some people went as far as to tell Sasha to commit suicide.

The weeks continued and everything got worst. Sasha was facing his worst scandal yet. The fan herself commented on it, saying he was simply being nice and helping her up but her comment got overshadowed by how many people were hating on Sasha. Sasha was constantly sobbing and an insider source reported that Sasha was very depressed as a result of this terrible treatment.

The following interviews that FIRE attended, Sasha was constantly ignored by the hosts. They did a few radio interviews in which Jace would sit next to Sasha. He would be whispering into Sasha's ear some things that would make him smile and giggle a little.

A few weeks after the situation, CHAENG Entertainment posted an official statement regarding the so called 'Womanizer' incident. "Kim Sasha was simply helping up a girl who bumped into him. She herself has spoken on the incident. Sasha is not a womanizer."

Because of CHAENG Entertainment's official statement, people targeted Sasha even harsher. They stated the favoritism over Sasha. He had better clothes than most CHAENG artists, he had a better makeup artist, bigger endorsement deals, a solo, more commercials, etc,. Everyone was pissed. They took it to social media to treat Sasha like trash.

A few days after the official statement, the members had to go out but Sasha didn't want to. He knew that more and more people were going to shame him.

"You sure you don't wanna come with us Sash?" Tae asked him.

"I'm positive...I need some alone time..." Sasha said to Tae.

MAKO and Tae went on ahead and Jace stayed behind to talk to Sasha really quick. "Sasha...I love you...know that no matter what, you can tell me anything and that I'm here for you." Jace kissed Sasha's lips and then left the house with the boys.

"Is Sasha okay...?" MAKO asked Jace.

"No...he's been awfully saddened and depressed by the amount of hatred he's been getting these past few days." Jace said.

"He's afraid to get out of the house for fear of getting physically and verbally attacked. Let's go buy those groceries and then get back home." Tae said.

They shopped for about 20 minutes before one of their trusted neighbors texted Jace. "I heard a lot of noise in your house! You HAVE to go back to your house ASAP."

"Guys! We need to go. Leave the groceries. I think Sasha might be in danger." They left their stuff and hurriedly drove back to their house. "Hurry, get the keys and open the door!" Jace said to Tae. Tae opened the house door. They headed inside and heard a noise from Sasha's bathroom upstairs. Jace and the others rain upstairs. The door was locked. Jace knocked the door down. He saw an unconscious Sasha next to an empty bottle of prescription pills. "SASHA!?"

~To Be Continued...~

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