Chapter 10: BAD ENDING

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Jace picked Sasha up and drove to the hospital. He told the doctors what happened and they took Sasha to the emergency room. About an hour or so passed before the internet found out about the attempted suicide.

"FIRE's very own main vocalist Kim Sasha has attempted suicide via overdose of prescriptioned drugs. He arrived at the emergency room a few hours ago and we currently don't know how bad his condition is. However, we know one thing, we hope he recovers well." A newscaster said.

A full 3 days passed and Sasha was still in a coma. His heartbeat was steady but he wasn't waking up. Jace had stayed at the hospital with Sasha since they arrived while MAKO and Tae traveled to France to talk to Sasha's parents and get them on the next flight to Korea.

The next few days, Sasha was still not waking up. Mrs. Chaeng's position in CHAENG Entertainment was overtaken and she went to jail for violating many human laws. Another Chaeng family woman became the head of CHAENG Entertainment. She set up an interview where artists would go into depth about their lives under the management of Mrs. Chaeng. Tae, Jace, and MAKO all went there and did the interview.

~Back to the present~

"And that' it was. Her management was horrible. She forced Sasha to be a public womanizer and deviant. People believed that he was a terrible person. Then forced us to keep our love a secret from everyone because she couldn't handle a bit of backlash. And now we don't know if Sasha is going to wake up..." Jace said to the interviewer.

"We could barely cope with the fact that Sasha was getting mistreated by our fans but then we found out he was also being mistreated by the company was hard for all of us to see him that way...but we didn't know how far it was going to go..." Tae said, looking at Jace with a saddened look.

"...we can only hope that Sasha is gonna get better...if we think bad...everything will go to hell...and we can't afford to lose ourselves when we're already about to lose someone we care about..." MAKO said, looking at a picture he had of him and Sasha at the beach.

"I'm sure he's going to be perfectly fine. All you guys have to do is hope. My best friend had tried to take his own life in this same way and I hoped with my entire heart that he would be okay...and now he's perfectly fine. Just have hope that everything will be alright and you'll get through with ease." The interviewer said.

They all nodded and then left after the interview was over. They all headed to the hospital. " is Sasha? Are visits open now?"

"Mr. Park, Mr. Takahashi, and Mr. Lee...I think you all need to sit down for this." The doctor said to the FIRE group members.

"Doctor...what is it? Is my Sasha okay!? Is he!?" Jace started to tear up. MAKO and Tae fidgeted around with nerves and fear of what the doctor was about to say.

"About 20 minutes ago, Sasha Rose Kim, 18 years old, passed away during his coma. His airways weren't working anymore. His heart had very weak palpitations and his will was broken. I'm sorry to say this." The doctor said. "I'll take my leave now."

Jace dropped to his knees. MAKO kicked a chair and Tae stood traumatized. "...impossible...why!? WHY!? WHY DID YOU LEAVE SASHA!? I THOUGHT MY LOVE WAS STRONG ENOUGH TO SAVE YOU! WHY SASHA!?" Jace screamed and cried. He started to punch the floor ccontinuously.

After Sasha's unfortunate end, the family held a very lowkey funeral just for close family and even closer friends. Jace didn't leave the side of the open coffin. He kept looking at Sasha while crying. "Come on, Jace. Let's go back our seats..." MAKO said to Jace, tears rolling down his eyes as well.

"Look at peaceful...yet so sad..." Jace said to MAKO.

"Come on...we need to get back to our seats." MAKO said to Jace.

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