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- 3rd POV - Before The Six of Them Met - 

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- 3rd POV - Before The Six of Them Met - 

ForthBeam's House

Beam was currently asleep on Forth's lap while the older was working on emails. Forth was struggling to keep his laptop from heating up too much and burning Beam. He eventually gave up on working for the day and moved his laptop to the side and looked down at Beam. Forth smiled and played with Beam's hair trying to keep the younger asleep as he turned the TV on. The couple stayed like that for a few hours, Forth knew that Beam needed to sleep before class so he tried to stay as quiet as he could. 

Beam's sweater (which was actually Forth's) was falling off his shoulder, showing the small pastel and black soul mate mark he had covering his left shoulder. Forth put his hand on it and hoped it would change into vibrant colours - not pastel. But it stayed the same. 

Forth just sighed and pulled Beam's sweater up - accidently waking him up. 

"How long was I asleep?" Beam asked and looked up at Forth still half asleep. 

"A few hours, what time's your class?" Forth asked and Beam sat up and laid his head on Forth's shoulder.

"At five, did you have work today?" Beam asked. He's not used to Forth being home a lot like this. 

"I took the week off. Didn't I tell you?" Forth asked and Beam shook his head no. 

"I thought that was next week," Beam said and Forth shook his head. 

"Want me to take you to school?" Forth asked and Beam nodded. 

"Can we get dinner first? I'm hungry," Beam pouted and Forth nodded. 

Beam got up after kissing Forth's cheek and went up to their room to shower and get ready for class. Forth got dressed as well and waited by the front door for Beam. 

- 3rd POV - Before The Six of Them Met -

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- 3rd POV - Before The Six of Them Met -

Ming and Kit's Apartment

Ming was sitting on the bottom bunk of his and Kit's room doing work when Kit came in from buying dinner before his class started. Ming was too distracted to notice that Kit had come back already. 

"P'Ming, I brought dinner, are you hungry?" Kit asked and Ming nodded and set his work aside and got up to eat with Kit. 

"Need a ride to class?" Ming asked as they ate. Kit nodded. 

The two ate in silence most of the time before getting up to do dishes and get ready for school. Kit accidently dropped and plate and cut his knee while trying to pick up the pieces. Ming kneeled down beside the younger and set his hand on his knee as he put a band-aid on it. 

Kit's knee has a black mark on it that slowly started turning different pastel colours. Ming's mark on his hand was doing it too. 

"We're... Really?" Ming was surprised. 

"Not fully soulmates though, our marks aren't full colour... they should be brighter," Kit said. 

"Do you think we're one of those Poly-Mate cases?" Ming asked. 

"Like there's a third person?" Kit asked Ming nodded. 

"There has to be, otherwise the colours would be brighter," Ming said. 

"Are you ok though? Hurt anywhere else?" Ming asked and cleaned up the rest of the broken glass. 

"I'm ok," Kit said and Ming smiled. 

- 3rd POV - Before The Six of Them Met -

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- 3rd POV - Before The Six of Them Met -

Pha and Yo's Dorm Room

Pha was in class when Yo had texted him asking if he wanted dinner. Pha just rolled his eyes and ignored the text. Yo on the other end of the phone just rolled his eyes as well, but still bought extra food for Pha for when he gets out of class. Yo may hate his roommate, but he's not heartless. He still cares for the older man. 

It was three hours later when Pha finally came home - Yo was asleep in the middle of the floor, he had fallen off the top bunk (his bed) - the guardrail on the floor as well, it had broken and Yo fell onto the floor when he turned over. Pha was gonna leave him there - but then saw bruises forming on his arms and neck and decided to put him back in his bed after taking care of him - making sure he wasn't seriously hurt. 

Pha used picked Yo up, put him on his own bed, and grabbed the smaller's chin (gently) to move his head to the side to check the bruise on his neck. As soon as he touched the smaller's chin the marks on both of them started turning into beautiful pastel colours. Yo woke up feeling the touch and his face was warm from the colour - Pha was just frozen with shock. 

"So, I'm stuck with you?" Yo asked and Pha (sadly) nodded. 

"I think we're Poly... the colours are too dim for you and I to be the only ones," Pha said and looked at the colours on both of them. 

"So there's at least one more?" Yo asked and sat up noticing he was on Pha's bed. 

"Yeah, how'd your bed break?" Pha asked. 

"I don't know, I move a lot in my sleep," Yo said and yawned again. 

The two just sat there for the rest of the night trying to wrap their heads around finding out that they're 'stuck together'. 

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