Five - Sophie

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Biana glittered into focus, a sheepish expression plastered across her face.

She wore a pale pink gown, the tulle layers floating around her lithe frame. Her glossy, dark hair was tied up in a fancy bun, flawlessly sitting atop her head.

With her wrinkly clothing and tangled hair, Sophie felt like a troll next to her glamorous friend.

For a fraction of a second Sophie and
Keefe stared at Biana. Biana stared at Keefe.

"I—how—when—" Biana stumbled on her words. She gazed at Keefe like he was a long lost memory. "You're really awake," she said softly, words fading.

Then the whole situation seemed to hit her.

Sophie watched as Biana ran across the floor—somehow not tripping on her tall pair of heels—and skittered to a stop at Keefe's side. She hugged him gently, her teal eyes streaked with emotion. "I can't believe you're awake," she said, stepping back and smoothing her immaculate gown.

Keefe smirked. "Miss me bad?"

Biana playfully punched his shoulder, but the answer was clear, judging from her shed tears.

"How long have you been here?" Sophie asked her, trying to imperceptibly change the subject. She knew Biana didn't have a crush on Keefe anymore—right? Had Biana seen when—

"Just a couple minutes," Biana said, grinning at Sophie, "I snuck in while Elwin was talking about that nasty elixir."

Relief flooded Sophie. Biana hadn't seen anything—not that Sophie was ashamed. She just wasn't sure about how to handle this. Yet. But she had Keefe to help her figure it out. They were a team.

Sophie's mind wandered as Keefe answered all of Biana's questions. It was a chaotic mess of When did you wake up?Have you manifested yet? And How are you?

Sophie smiled at the two of them, embracing the moment where the world wasn't crumbling around her.

Because in that moment, Sophie was with two of her favorite people. They'd all come a long way from the beginning of their journey—one that definitely wasn't over yet.

But for this fragment of time, Sophie felt like she could take on the world. And this time . . . She wouldn't have to face it alone.


After Biana finished pounding Keefe with questions, she finally brought Sophie back to reality by saying, "Fitz will definitely want to see you, Keefe."

Sophie's heart plummeted at the thought. She'd almost forgotten about her countless other friends who would want to visit Keefe. Fitz was just plain painful to think about. Even though they were on better terms since they'd decided to be friends, she still felt uncomfortable when she was with him.

She felt selfish, but a part of her wanted Keefe to herself for a while.

Keefe smirked at her. "That was an interesting spike of emotions, Foster," he said, trying to contain his laughter. Sophie blushed.

Biana looked from Keefe to Sophie and then back again. She rolled her eyes. "Empaths," she muttered.

Sophie and Keefe grinned at each other. Funny, the gesture seemed so natural now. It had become second nature.

Biana pulled out her imparter from a pocket deep within her fancy attire. "Show me Fitz," she told it.

Sophie swallowed and tugged out an itchy eyelash. She was nervous to see Fitz again.

Keefe gave her a reassuring smile. He took her hand and sent gentle breezes through her mind. Sophie squeezed his hand gratefully. Keefe whispered, "it'll be okay, Foster."

And Sophie believed him.

Biana glanced at their intertwined hands and her eyes narrowed the slightest bit. Sophie and Keefe silently refused to pull away from each other. But a moment later, Biana shot Sophie a sly smile from the corner of her mouth.

Sophie exhaled. Biana wasn't jealous. A huge weight seemed to have lifted from her shoulders.

A moment later Fitz's face appeared on the square screen Biana held.

"Biana?" He said with his strongly accented voice. "Where are you?"

Biana flipped the screen around so Fitz could see his best friend. "Keefe's awake!"

And suddenly Sophie's blood ran cold. Because the imparter didn't show just Keefe—it showed her and Keefe, exemplifying their hands laced together.

And Fitz had no doubt seen it.

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