past (part 3)

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A new day, and- it's training day and I'm gonna be late! I quickly put my clothes on, and dash out the door- I grabbed an uncooked toast in my mouth to the gray empty room that me and frisk are meeting in, and I'm sure I'm gonna get my a$$ kicked after this.

I arrived in the empty room, and when I opened the door, frisk was waiting for me patiently and saw me because I actually slammed the door open instead, "sans! What took you so long?".

"Sorry, I over slept..."

"Well, be here on time another day, were going to start our training now"

I nodded.

"And someone else is gonna be training with us" she gave a smile and opened her ruby eyes, but I was wondering who was gonna train with me when frisk suddenly said, "you can come out now!" Than in the shadow, another person came up and it's Frisk's twin brother, chara which I haven't seen in a while.

He waved and gave me a smile, I waved back.

"Long time no see, sans" said chara and I just nodded- weird fact, Frisk and Chara treated me like I'm their little brother when I was a baby, and when papy was busy with his job still, "okay, let's start with training, sans chara will compete you first" Frisk said and stood at the side, than Chara and I prepared our weapons- so I used the scythe (smybol magic to)

40 minutes later

"Alright, that's enough training for today" said Frisk, clapping her hands fir our attention as our weapons disappeared, "wow sans, Frisk was right, you did a pretty good job" Chara gave me a thumbs up, and I gave him a smile, "heh, heh, heh, okay enough fun for now- Chara, how you about you, join us for dinner?" Asked Frisk cheerily and Chara nodded, "sure, why not?" "I will go tell papy then!" I said and ran out the exit as Frisk and Chara tried to catch up to me.

twisted and broken soul(COMPLETED!)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora