walk in the forest like disasters entering your house

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Sci p.o.v

"Oh no! I'm out of formula paste..." "I have to get new ones..." I then remembered the forest has the ingredient to make it, I walked out my room, heading for the front door, but Fell spotted me, "Sci, where do you think your going?!" He Asked strictly, "to the forest?" "Not your going alone, take someone with you!" I huffed as Nightmare walked in the room, passive form, "oh, great timing!" And he pushed him next to me.

Still don't understand why he's still taller then me...

3rd person

"Hey! What was that for?!" He yelled at Fell, "Sci is going to the forest- and since your here, go with him" Fell then teleported away, Nightmare looked at Sci as he waved awkwardly a little, and rolled his eyes, "come on, let's go..." he dragged Sci by his lab coat that made him squeak, heading out the front door then going to the forest, hoping they wouldn't come across Absentia...

They we're walking in the forest in dreamtale, Nightmare and Sci walked in the forest, they are starting to walk a little deeper and deeper, until they stopped- well Sci stopped, at a oak tree full of green colored mosa, and as he stopped he took out a small chemical glass from his pocket with a tiny sharp tong inside, taking the cap and tong out, and started to scrape some off and putting it in the glass.

Nightmare p.o.v

I boredly lean back and forth behind as Sci does his job, and once he's done, I have a bad vibe that there's something stalking us, but I shrugged it off- until I heard a quiet shing sound, I feel like something was wrong, and grabbed Sci's arm and shouted, "SCI!" An violet slash came out of the side forest and hit a tree that was supposed to hit Sci instead, Sci looked shocked as we then heard giggles, Evil giggles...

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