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3rd person p.o.v

Killer saw the blast going straight to him, and jumped aside as it missed him, but Blue was lost to himself, he couldn't move as Dust ran to him screaming his name, "BLUE!!" Blueberry snapped back, eyes widened, "huh...uh...AHH!"

A figure had teleported in front of him, Horror, has his sword and blocked it with the blade and it disappeared, "thank me later, we have a bigger problem then this..." he said, "get out of here and help any other survivors in the town!" "What?! We can h- " Ink got cut off, "I'll fight him by myself! This is between what he really is..." Ink said nothing, but then motioned everyone else to get out of the arena, they all left Horror and Absentia inside.

Horror p.o.v

After the rest of them left, I turned to Absentia, the markings appeared on my face with that eyelight, Absentia held his scythe.

"Hah! You think your new powers are stronger?!"

"I don't think so..."

I summoned my Sword

"I knew so..."

Absentia charged at me but I blocked his scythe with the Sword, he did a backflip and a arrow went towards me, my hand turned lavender as I pulled out a shield with it, Absentia looked shocked, I swung my sword in different directions as slashes came out and towards him, Absentia must have snapped out and blocked a few with his scythe, but got hit by one to the wall as more came to him.

3rd person

Absentia stepped out with a part of his shoulder gone, but it reformed as Horror teleported in front of him, about to stab him- he grabbed his scythe and the blade scooped his waist abd flung Horror to a wall.

1. Hour. Later...(brought to you by Horrorlust)

Horror p.o.v

I landed on foot on the ground, "I can't get close enough on him!" I thought, a violet ball came at me and smoke was everywhere, "I can't see a thing" I cautioning looked around the smoke when a hint of violet next to me, I didn't notice at first- until 2 violet skewers hit my shoulder, pinning me on a wall with my jacket stuck on, I quickly pulled one out, but saw Absentia with another skewer.

Heading at me, I don't know what to do, but I suddenly blurted out from the first coming to my mind, "LUST!!"

Absentia p.o.v

"LUST!!" I stopped, I don't know soul felt so's like... I'm not what........I'm used
I have to get out of here...

3rd person

Horror pulled the last skewer out, saw Absentia so lost in thought, "now's my chance!" Horror thought, then pulled his hand out to touch Absentia's forehead, but he snapped out and punched his chest, Horror fell on the ground, clutching his chest groaned as he sat up, Absentia left him there, about to leave-


twisted and broken soul(COMPLETED!)Where stories live. Discover now