True Form, Story...

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Cross p.o.v

We're in the security room, "oh good, we're in
The right place this time" I sighed, "let's check those recordings now, I will have enough power to teleport us out" Fresh nodded and moved toward the screens, pressed a button and it activated.

"Wait, what are we looking for exactly?" I Asked confused to Fresh as the screens all glowed brightly in this dark room, "me and my bros had a feeling that the MHD had to do with this whole mess" "whatever they did, it's all recorded, they tried to hide it from us somewhere".


"There's a paper in the pocket?! Sneaky"

I unfold the paper, and it came out to another story about the wizards, but I was able to understand the language- since I learned it a few days ago, I began reading.

Iong ago, Another wizard had came to the kingdom of the original seven wizards, with a friend, Malulu and her Name was Lúsī Memorial.

(Sorry guys! I can't get the picture out!)

Once she came to town, the seven wizards were surprised to see another one of there kind, and she was a rare one.
She has the soul of two traits, the teal one, Enchantment, and the lavender one, Confidence. The trait of Enchantment can let people make peace over little things or benefits and promises, the trait of Confidence is a triat to chose which type of choice is right to them and themselves, also given the ability to fully trust the people you love the most(also friends). With this, the other wizards had accepted her in there world and was pleased of this, she was mostly of an solo worker with her partner of hers.


Cross p.o.v
I looked at the other screens when Fresh called out to me, "Cross look! There is a folder that has these weird records in different places" I walked next to him, this footage is when Sci pulled out his shield, "hm? Why will he pull out his shield in the middle of the street?" Asked Fresh, confused(he didn't see the situation😆) .


Her life in here was perfect, she was also the reason to make peace without the barrier, she stopped fights, racism, anything that's beyond violence, Also making the right choice for her and other's.

"So she's powerful and wise at things" I thought randomly and kept on reading.

But one day, one of the villager people despised her for how she wanted to make peace for both humans and monsters so they gain each other's love, furious, it set a plan to eliminate her from this town, they killed a teenage girl from the livetale family, Amber livetale, the princess, and framed Lu'si for murder. The seven wizards don't have proof that Lu'si was innocent even though they know and believe she will NEVER do such violent actions, but, she still got accused and lost both of her traits, also getting LuLu taken away. Lu'si left the kingdom to find a new trait, but failed miserably by all of her negative thoughts and imagines.


Fresh p.o.v

"This footage was in front of Sci's laboratory" we looked in it and saw Absentia walked outside- through the walls?! "Absentia?" "Weird, isn't he in Sci's lab sleeping when the reunion had started" I said.


With all the negativity in her mind, her soul changed, she felt hatred among the wizards and the people, she couldn't control her mind anymore, she's so lost in her mind that it filled her with a new trait, and head back to the kingdom- killing every of the wizards and putting destruction in the town.


Cross p.o.v

Our eyes widened, "so it was all him, he caused this mess" said Fresh with fear in his voice, "...Fresh, we have to warn the other's..." I got a bad feeling.....


But when she spot LuLu going towards her, she realized what she done, she devastated and disgraced herself, and did one thing to stop herself from giving more harm. She took out her soul, and ripped it apart, one was her original trait that was carried by LuLu and she went to a different timeline through a portal to find her nester. But there is also a dangerous spell that her other side turned into that was forbidden, that has it's own name.

Her sole purpose of this spell, is to make sure to recapture all the traits, and making sure monsters NEVER live in harmony because she thinks it's there fault- that she turned like this...

Sci's eyes widened with shock

SEcurity... x_x

3rd person

The door of the security room suddenly opens with Absentia and LiLi in the doorway with a sad, surprised look.

The violet and dark teal trait...

An Absentia...

The soul of...Illusion and carelessness.


AND THIS IS WHAT LU'SI LOOK LIKE!!!(She is two traited, so I colored her with two colors than the other wizards only colors)

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(She is two traited, so I colored her with two colors than the other wizards only colors)

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