(part 1)Game over...A Chara of two, not the same...

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(Just pretend the jacket on him was zipped)

3rd person

UL! Chara gave them a wicked and evil smile as the five of them prepared their weapons, "how cute..."

"To finally for you guys to show up for me..."

UL!Frisk stepped in front of the other's with her Sword tight in hand.

"But isn't it hilarious?..."

"To make you guys think you'll win?...but you're wrong..."

"I...have a small surprise for you four..."

"Do you know what these are?"

UL!Frisk's eyes widened

UL!Chara held out 7 colored orbs

"Sans did quite a lot of effort when he comes to fighting..."

"But I'm still missing one in order to continue what I'm starting on..."

"I'm excited on how long you can survive..."

He pulled the orbs in front of him and they got transferred into his knife.

Blues hands glowed and sent a power ball at him, Chara's blade turned green, and a shield appeared, blocking the ball drom it, Sci's eyes widened, "he's got our abilities now, Be careful!" They nodded.

The knife turned yellow now, he swung it, yellow arrows shot out towards Blue- but Sci blocked it with his shield, "Dreams ability!" Blue thought, Fell ran towards Chara, his knife now turned purple-  and purple sound waves came out, Fell used an gaster blaster, but it didn't work and teleported and the purple sound waves cut through the gaster blaster, "that's Fresh's ability!" Geno thought.

Geno teleported behind Chara but made a missed hit, and Chara Glicthed above him, Sci made a shield below him, blocking his attack, and he glicthed away when a spear missed from Ink, Blue jumped high in the air in front of Chara, loads of cyan strings appeared (kinda like Error, but bigger and thicker) Chara sliced some of it and more wrapped around him.

Frisk summoned her sword and slashed a few slashes at Chara, he grinned and the blade turned red, a red shield covered him, he  cutted them disappeared, the knife now turned Blue, and a hologram blue blade appeared, he swung it above Frisk, but she dodged it- and the knife then quickly turned cyan, a string same as Blue wrapped around Frisk, he grinned and flung her to the other side of the floor, Frisk crashed hard, she didn't pass out, the other's are stunned -  but Chara took the blue blade again about to finish her off, Geno teleported behind her, summoned a shield biger then him, blocked Chara's attack.

Ink send an orange beam, he Glicthed away, Frisk got up and a green mist around her healed her immediately, she pulled her Sword above her, a giant red ball came from the point, and aimed at Chara, He was gonna dodged at the attack, but his black mixed violet and dark teal soul turned red, got flung towards the red beam, but he Glicthed away, Chara was in the air, Fell flung his soul to the bottom with bones sticking out, a gaster blaster behind him- he blocked it with red power and sended more purple sound waves destroyed the bones underneath him.

The knife turned orange, a orange slashed went to Fell, he summoned a gaster blaster- but the knife suddenly glowed, it turned directions towards Frisk, Sci got in front, blocked it with his shield, Chara grinned widely, jumped up in the air.

"Hey Frisk, can I ask you something?...."

"Do you remember what black means?"

Chara's body is now half black, the knife turned black and a humongous black ball appeared.

"It's HATE, and Geno has some to"


He lowered his knife, the black ball is processing, then dropped down faster then it looks, it hit all five of them.

Blackness surrounding them...

A ringing tone...

Then some...calling?...

To be continued.....

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