I'm late sorry...

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(The "things" on the bottom are muti colored flowers)

3rd person

Geno ran inside the cave, the other's followed, and once they reach the other side of the cave- they were magnificent.

The other side of the cave was full of bright and light, multiple colors of flowers, mostly roses, and the sky was covered in different shades of blues to make a beautiful gradient background with the stars.

And down below, they saw Geno running over to a figure, Error...that has a flower crown with one of each colored roses on, BUT! He's also wearing Fresh's jacket that's tied on his waist.


Error p.o.v

I just sat on the flowers in front of a standing purple rose with an old flower crown- Fresh made me 20 years ago, on the exact same day on my birthday...


'Comn broski's! Hurry, this way! A 5 year old Fresh was dragging His 7 year old Error, 8 year old Geno, also Deccy and Ink into the same forest, into a cave- and since it was Error's birthday when he found this place, Fresh wanted to put it as a surprise even though he knew it wouldn't be much for him.

"Woah! Slow down Fresh, what got you this excited?" Giggled Geno following Fresh inside the cave, "it's something very cool! You will like it!" "Yeah, Yeah, su- " Error stopped his sentence when they were at the place with the flowers and glowing stars, "oh, my, GOD! Fresh, this place is so beautiful!" Geno's pupil turned to stars and Ink squealed happily at the soft colors of flowers, "um, it's okay..." than Fresh ran down the hill from the cave, and came back up, putting something on Error's head, "hm?" Error took it off, seeing a flower crown with different colored roses in hand, Fresh giggled cutely.

Happy birthday, Error!

Happy birthday, big brother...


3rd person

A single tear drop slipped from his eye socket and dropped on the roses petal, Error gave a small smile as Geno comforted him...

"Thank you, Fresh....."

"I'm so sorry I've never cared about you..."

twisted and broken soul(COMPLETED!)Where stories live. Discover now