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"No one knows how much I cried that day... Not even you, real feelings don't just go away," ~curiano.com

•The Love Battle•

As soon as I sat back on the stool, I started moving my leg up and down. A habit which indicates that I was nervous. I looked back at him, only to notice him looking towards my leg. He was smiling lightly.

If that isn't creepy, then I don't know what is.

Ofcourse, he knew me inside out. He knew all my habits. Who wouldn't, we have been together for most of our life after all.

I stopped moving my leg instantly.

In the meantime, the judge started speaking,"So, the replacement for the former singer, Aiden, is Miss...?"

I clear my throat and whispered into the mic,"Quinn."

"She would be competing Liam Martin. The rules like this, you just sing, sing with your heart poured into it. You will be given 5 seconds to come up with your song. The one who fails to do so will lose. You can sing any random song. Sing melodiously. All the best."

Okay, so I just have to sing while looking in those eyes and I have to sing melodiously with my flat as fùçk voice which can't even come into competition with his god gifted melodious voice.

And Layla EXPECTS me to WIN against HIM.

I let out a shaky sigh.

"We will start with Liam Martin," the judge with big fat moustache announced.

"Your time starts...now!"

I snorted secretly.
What is it? Olympics?

I looked every where but at him. Everyone clapped and cheered.

"I cant write one song,
That's not about you,
Can't drink without,
Thinking about you,"

I looked up at him and saw him looking straight through my soul. I felt naked in front of his eyes.
Well, not really but you got my point.

He closed his eyes, his hands raising and falling at each high and low note. He looked so beautiful at that moment. Not handsome, not cute but beautiful.

He continued,"Is it too late to,
Tell you that,
Everything means nothing,
If I cant have you."

He ended his song with grace. He was always better at this. Well, who am I kidding?, he was better at everything and anything.

I started feeling nervous.
What if I mess this all up? Oh god.

I looked towards the audience, everyone was waiting impatiently for me to start. Some were looking at me with judging eyes while someone were looking bored.

I looked back at Liam. At that moment all my feelings hit me back with full force. Then my lips started moving on their own.

"You were the shadow to my light,
Did you feel us?"
He looked shocked for a moment but composed himself quickly.

Not breaking the eye contact, I continued,"Another start,
You fade away
Afraid our aim is out of sight,
Wanna see us, alive
Where are you now?"

The last line seemed to trigger something inside him.

"Where are you now?
Was it all my fantasy?
Where you only imaginary?
Where are you now?"

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