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'Why am I so afraid to lose you, when you are not even mine?

•I fucking love you•

For about 5 minutes, there was an awkward tension. Well, at least for me it was, but Liam looked more like pissed. I bite my tongue from commenting something harsh. I really don't think properly before speaking.

I didn't know what to say, so I settled on making some noise. Maybe it'll attract his attention. I kept my empty paper cup on the dashboard because I didn't know where else to keep it. And giving it to him would be risky. I almost laugh at the thought.

Liam glanced at my cup once, rolling his eyes, he picked it up and threw it out of the window. Well then.

I peaked at him, he was sitting upright and was clutching the steering wheel tightly. I cleared my throat, hoping to get his attention. He didn't notice. I cleared my throat louder this time. Still nothing.

I started coughing loudly like I was having an asthma attack.

He finally looked at me, his eyes glinting in amusement. I smiled sweetly at him, like I was not acting like a lunatic seconds before.

He didn't say anything though and started looking forward again. He didn't look as much as angry he was before but traces of irritation were still there.

"So, how have you been?" He finally asked. I was just about to scratch the walls of his car or rip his hair out. I personally prefer the latter.

"Fine, what about you?"

Oh, so now we have started being formal.

"Good." He replied, curtly.

I wanted to choke myself, I should have said that I was great and was having fun and was happy. He said that he was good.



I signed, frustrated and looked outside. There was nothing amusing, just another couple making out in their car.

I felt his hand on my thigh, and I tried to look at him, but he stopped me.

"Please, don't look at me. Not until I finish what I have to say." He pleaded.

I was hesitant, but agreed.

His hand started tracing patterns on my thigh. I fought the shiver of pleasure that threatened to pass through me.

"I...I don't even know where to start. I know what I did was wrong, but I want you to know that I missed you and I am sorry, " My heart swelled at his last confession.

He cares.
He fucking cares.

"I know you want an explanation but I can't--"

"Why?" I cut his mid-sentence, still gazing out of the car.

"Let me finish, Quinn." He signed, I was testing his patience. But he was the impatient one.

"I just can't, I have my reasons, Quinn, but you have to know that what I did was childish, no doubt, but my intentions were pure. I swear I would, " He paused a little inhaling and letting out a shaky breath,

"I would never hurt you intentionally. Not even emotionally. I get sick even thinking about it. I know you deserve  an explanation after what I did, but I'm sorry, I can't give a valid reason, but trust me."

This is too much, Liam used the word 'sorry' in the last 1 minute, more than he would have used in his entire life.

"I don't know what to say," I admit, softly. I looked at his hand on my thigh and gently placed my hand on his and rubbed circles on his hand.

Just Friends Maybeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن