It's Good

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William followed me downstairs as I made my way to the table, looking to see what we had for breakfast today. The smile that graced my face was immediate as I saw what we would be having. Homemade French toast with eggs and bacon.

Happy doesn't begin to describe what I felt. It was more like elation. Yea, that's the feeling. I'd had French toast yesterday, but this was different. This was homemade.

"Why are you so happy about breakfast?"

William glanced at me with confusion written all over his face. He wouldn't understand unless he tasted it. I wonder if he'd like it.

They can taste regular food, right?

That was my thought process as I headed to the fridge to grab some blood for him. Yes. They can. Jay, the chef, had said that some vampires to it for looks or something like that.

God, I'm sure cold blood is absolutely disgusting.

"It is."

I turned to look at him, and he had a dopey-looking half smile on his face. "But that's okay."

I grinned at him. "I'll just buy a microwave blood warmer, plain and simple. I plan to get you an air mattress today, anyway." I handed him the blood from the fridge and continued to make my plate of breakfast as if the conversation had not even occurred.

"I would be fine without one, but thank you."

At that moment, my mom came from the family room back into the kitchen. Not that I love her any less, but I would prefer to eat my breakfast alone this morning. My trust in her has dwindled.

"Good morning, baby girl," she smiled at me and glanced at William. Taking a seat in front of me, she grabbed a plate for herself while trying to strike up a conversation that I was not trying to have.

"You ready for school today?"

"As ready as I was yesterday," I responded with a roll of my tired eyes.

She shifted in her seat, not used to me catching any sort of attitude towards her. "You seem tired. Did you sleep well? Do you need anything?"

"I just need to finish breakfast so I can get to school on time. Thanks. Oh, and for you to never speak to William again."

She blanched, but remained silent. We ate the remainder of our most important meal of the day in silence with her occasionally glancing between me and William.

Deciding I was no longer hungry and scraping the rest of my food into the trash can, I guided William back to my room. I shut the door behind me and started to make my bed.

William walked up to me and placed a hand on my shoulder with a light touch. "You are angry." It was more of a statement or an observation than a question.

"I am fine William. I just need to get this stuff done so I can catch the bus and get to school on time."

He blinked. "We ride a bus?"

"Yes. Yes we do," his inquiry brought me out of my anger, if only a little, and made me chuckle.

Only because I needed to get there early today.

He turned me towards him and surprised me by pressing his lips against mine in a soft embrace. He shivered slightly and grinned against my lips.

"I won't tell you to calm down for fear it will only make you more angry like the girl in the picture. I do wish you wouldn't let your mother's actions affect you so heavily, though."


"The imperfection in our stars," he smiled down at me.

The Fault in Our Stars.

He rolled his eyes, "It means the same thing."

"Not the title of the book or movie, though. I thought it was based on a fictional storyline and all that, anyway."

"Not the point," he huffed.

He's so cute right now, I swear.

He raised a brow, his brown eyes twinkling, "I am not cute. I am a grown man."

"You're nineteen," I laughed, "and we need to go catch the bus."

Shocked that he was able to turn my mood around so easily, I grabbed my backpack, my book of the week, and then his hand. He looked at our hands for a while before I rolled my eyes and led him outside as down the street to the bus stop.

We got there just in time as the bus pulled up as we walked up to the stop. I stood at the end of the line of students waiting to board the bus to school with William.

With William. As in I'm taking him with me.

"Are you worried about it?"

I shook my head and followed the rest of the students, dropping Williams hand.

I could feel his offended gaze at the back of my head but chose to ignore it as I walked to an empty seat towards the middle of the bus.

"Sit beside me, okay."

"It goes unsaid," was the only thing to leave his lips as he sat down.

He's upset with me. Well, at least he's not with my mom.

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