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[x. the search party]

Jackie stood from the stair and brushed her hair back. Her mother mentioned that her friends came to find her. Jackie couldn't think of who would come to find her. She had pushed away her best friend. She made a note to go apologise to Myrtle when she got back to hogwarts. The wind whipped her hair around as she tried to gather the courage to enter the house. She felt as if she was walking to her doom. The setting sun wasn't helping the girl either.

She knew as soon as she entered she would have to talk. To explain how she felt, or why she left. In moments like this she wished she was a Gryffindor. Maybe if she was a Hufflepuff then she might be better at sharing. Instead she was smart and snarky. She made it up a stair, and felt a little stronger. So she took another step, then another.

She filled her lungs and opened the front door and entered the foyer. She turned to her left and saw five teens sitting on her family's green couch. Marlene on the very end, then lily separating Marlene from the Marauders. Then Potter who was talking Lily's ear off, then Remus who looked around the room looking at the family pictures. Then Sirius who was playing with a sting on his jacket.

She met Remus' eyes first. His face brightened. It made her feel so special that just seeing her made him smile. He stood first walking over to the small girl. As soon as he reached her he wrapped her into a hug. She was surprised at first but then she wrapped her arms around him too. She felt Remus move his head closer to her ear and whisper into her ear.

"Please don't scare me like that again."

She had scared him by leaving. She felt a little happy about that. He cared about her. She wasn't so sure why her heart skipped a beat thinking about that. She also didn't like the nervousness she now felt around him. In the oddest way she wanted to run away but she didn't want to leave him. She liked being around him but suddenly she was very aware of his every move.

The both of them pulled away and then met the eyes of the others. James shot her a look of i knew it, Lily and Marlene shared the same confused eyes. Lily had an encouraging smile. Lastly Sirius tried to hide his hurt behind a big attitude but Jackie had seen the same heartbreak in his eyes when she turned him down.

    'Wow you guys really sent a search party for me."

    It wasn't a great joke but it got almost everyone chuckle. The tension seemed to be relieved in the small living room. Lily was the first to speak.

    "Why didn't you tell us that you were leaving, we were worried sick."

    "That's because doofus doesn't know how to properly communicate."

    "Stefan, don't call your sister a doofus."

    "Sorry mom, I can't help that she's a doofus."

    "Start running Stefan you're doing down."


Loranne had settled to have the three girls in Jackie's room and three boys plus stefen in his room. The three girls had stayed up talking, about the boys in the other room. Lily of course went on about how it was so cool that James didn't ask what they were doing he just joined because he's such a good friend. The two other girls got Marlene to sheepishly admit that she thought Stefan was cute to which Jackie responded with a gagging motion.

After Lily yawned and decided that they needed to go to bed now. They all laid down and turned the lights off. Lily was the first one asleep, you could tell due her the soft stable breaths. After a moment or two, Jackie heard Marlene whisper her name, which Jackie responded with a soft what.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Tell you what, Marlene?"

"About your dad, I would have been there for you. I mean I lost my mom. I know it's not the same but I know the pain."

"I guess it was just too hard to tell anyone, i knew things would change if i told you and i didnt want them too."

"Well tell me if something else big happens, I want to be here for you."

Jackie froze, she could tell Marlene about Angelica. She told her about the doppelganger face she had.

"Yeah, i'll tell you if anything happens."

She let Angelica in, and she got hurt. She wasn't going to let herself be hurt again. Even if it meant lying.

The wall separating Jackie and the world, grew a little higher.

she speaks -

ummm i had a panic attack at dinner, and i keep changing this cast every two months sooo

𝐖𝐎𝐋𝐅,  REMUS LUPINWhere stories live. Discover now