Day 2: Growth and Decay

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Don't really know how I feel about these but here they are 😅

She reaches up through the dark soil
groping for the hopeful light
Her thin arms stretch out into the air
ready for a fight

For many years ahead
she will grow and prosper
but it is not an easy path
for others try to conquer

Flowers starve her drying roots
fewer blossoms come each year
but with every flying, buzzing friend
joy sprouts and fills the air

For years and years they bloom
to produce beautiful fruit
but all great things must come to an end
and this strong mother will follow suit

Waiting for Relief
Glowing in the violent depths
Roaring through the black abyss
Order lost to raging chaos
Water lost within itself
Tumbling in its building waves
Hardening to crash at the surface

All is still for only moments
Nothing but a gentle roll
Desperate stillness in the blue... then...

Down it tumbles once more
Echoing through the dark
Caves and canyons drown with hunger
And the cycle starts again and it
Yells for it to stop

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