Day 13: The City

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City Dream
I can always look out
from my balcony or window
and see the bright lights
Every night they shine
across the city
in the historic buildings
and up the impossibly tall skyscrapers
But on those lonely nights
when all I can see are the littered specs
culminating into a toxic beacon
it's nauseating
Because I don't search for you
in the blaring city
I search the darkened sky up above
and remember when we would sneak
into the wispy fields of wild grass and flowers
and lay on a blanket to name the constellations
When we were young and carefree
When this city was our dream
But time passed
We grew up
and I came alone
But now when I stare up at that black sky
too polluted by artificial light
to see our stars glow
I realize my mistake
and that you were my dream all along

Cities in 2020
Thousands of people in thousands of places
Hushed to silence in their homes and workplaces
Everyone wearing masks to contain the spread

Countless people stressed and frightened
In this global pandemic that traps them indoors
They long to hear those crowded streets, to
Yell and scream in triumph when it all ends

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