Day 12: Submerged In Water

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Summer Swim
Down in the crystal blue
we roam till our heart's content
Popping up for needed air
Needed laughs
And needed splashes
We go to the waterfalls
to hide in our safe haven
We listen to the running water
and hear our thoughts echo back
With eyes closed, this could be
anywhere we want
A lagoon off a tropical island
A little river in the woods
But for right now it is just
our pool in the backyard
and that's just what we want

Sunken down
Under white sea foam
Blue as far as anyone can see
Murky water darkens
Everything darkens when you
Reach these depths
Gold tendrils of light
Entwined with the bubbling waves
Diminish as we sink

Is it actually down here?
Now is the time to see

Walls of rock and clay reach up to the surface
Aqua washes of color mixed with coral
The long abandoned city
Echoes our cries of joy and
Reveals it's beauty, unbelievable beauty

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