Day 11: Heaven and Hell

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Self(less/ish) Intentions
We want to be showered
in warm holy light
We long for safety and comfort
and we hope that light provides it
So we do the best we can
We help those in need
We donate money
and food
and clothing
and time
So when we pass
we can sleep
wrapped away in the tendrils
of His glowing light

But, is there anything we actually do
for others?
Or was it all for ourselves?
To feel good about what we had done
To check a box of a list
and move on to the next
Did we do those things only for our benefit
and no one else at all?
We can always make excuses
We can always lie to ourselves
But I guess we'll just find out
if we'll be held in his loving hands
and lulled to eternal rest
or if we'll meet the famous fallen angel
and he'll be impressed by our act

Light and Shadow
Holy light shined down upon me
Everywhere I went with you and through
All the talks stretched late into the night
Vulnerable and so, so sweet, it was
Enough for me to melt, to trust
Nearly there, I was falling for you

Are you going now? I whispered
Never, you smiled then asked
Do you trust me? and I a fool said yes

Harsh shadows unfurled from your lips
Each word dripping with your nasty venom
Lost in those sweet words I never saw you
Lost in that false light I ignored the monster you are

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