dream team - fluff

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this is a dream x georgenotfound x sapnap one-shot fic

this contains i fluff. lots of it. and a tiny lil bit of low-key angst

i will be referring to dream by his real name, clay

as well as george as george

and sapnap as sapnap (or just sap) because i have no fucking clue what his real name is - which is more than fine - he's entitled to his own private life. he has no obligation to reveal things about himself - it's his life

(edit: so i just found out sap's real name is nick. literally a few hours after i posted this-- i guess i could go through and change it... but let's be real - i'm lazy as shit)

the age gap between them all isn't that major - they're all roughly over 19 living in an apartment together.

i guess to keep it realistic george will be 24, clay at 21 (close to their real ages ig), and sapnap at 22.. because who knows- (i don't have twitter so i don't know sap's real name/age/whatever - if he's got that info anyway)

please do not in anyway force the ship upon these three amazing people, they have their own private lives and i'm pretty sure one or two of them might be in relationships of their own anyway

also i got hella excited today because sapnap finally uploaded a new video

anyway, on with the fic



George screeched, rushing to turn the stove off.

the overwhelming smell of burnt milk took over the kitchen, drifting it's way into the hallway.

"i burnt my milk-" George pouted, looking to the burnt liquid in the saucepan. it had chunks of brown and black floating through it, and was overall tinted brown.

Clay snickered, turning the corner, facing George from the doorway, mid-brown hair under a beanie. "i told you to watch it and keep stirring - you didn't listen to me, obviously.."

George was still pouting, upset that he'd have to start over again, pouring the milk down the sink - washing it down with water. "Yeah - but i told Sap to watch it for me!"

just as his name was said, Sap poked his head around the doorway.

his eyes looked to the saucepan that was currently getting cleaned out, widening with a sudden 'oh' realization. "oh.. i forgot i was supposed to do that - i was feeding Skeppy The Third-"

"how could you forget about stirring milk-" Clay held a hand to his mouth as he laughed, trying his best to stifle it so he wouldn't upset George anymore than he already was.

Sap blinked, stepping so the full view of his body was in the doorway, a small blue and grey budgerigar - commonly known as a budgie - sitting on the top of his hand. "she was hungry and calling out for me..." he trailed off.

"and besides - it's not mine to watch-" he quickly added, trying to defend himself.

his over-sized light grey hoodie hung to just above his knees, a pair of Clay's pants on because he was too lazy to wash his own clothes, a black and white bandanna holding his dark hair back.

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