dream team as medieval stereotypes

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this is from my reddit account. i just thought it'd be cool to post it here too.

okay, so i'm a sucker for medieval things.this is the dream team (plus their buds) as different roles in those times

Dream would be a warlock / druid, hands down. he's still young and learning how to use his powers, and frequently gets into trouble with everyone. he's also a thief that comes from a family of peasants. he left his hometown to go travel the world and find some place to call his own.

Sapnap is a merchant. he goes around, trading things, ripping people off (because he's smart), and just vibing. he also trained as a knight, but was too lazy to actually finish it. so instead he took over some old guy's business. (how he met Dream and George)George is the worst physician of all times. he's constantly mixing up his herbs and potions, but somehow manages to make it work out. he's also an explorer. no one knows how he manages to keep his shit together (it's thanks to Dream). he never stays in the same place for too long, because the townspeople don't like how their spouse's now have a hairy chest and purple eyes (even though they're no longer sick)

Callahan is a jester. and a mute. his tongue was cut out after he insulted the king one day by accident. now he's the king's personal round the clock clown. getting humiliated day after day by him. he's still the same bright and cheery guy he's always been. but he'll never speak again.Skeppy is the king. he's ruthless. he torments people just because he can. he constantly makes threats, scaring his ward and people. but while he's a terrifying king, he's a good one. he's ruled since his mid teens, and has kept his kingdom from getting overrun successfully.

Badboyhalo is the ward. he's been by Skeppy's side for as long as they can remember. he's always trying to ease off the punishments, and secretly helps those in need, despite the penalty for it. he's always been a kind hearted person, and everyone adores him. no one can figure out why he's still the king's friend. he's also been mildly influenced by Skeppy, and has that dark side he tries to hide.

Alysa is the king's servant / maiden. she tends to his (almost) every need. she's secretly with Callahan, although no one knows. everyone pity's her, and finds it sad she tends to the king. she's really bright, and a bit quiet, but hella smart. she's gotten herself out of execution by simply presenting fake evidence. she's a force to be reckoned with.

i know i could do more dudes, but this is all i'm gonna do.
more hc's tho(warning, this takes a dark turn.)death trigger warning

- Sapnap and Dream were fighting about the prices of the (totally not magical) stones he was selling when they met.

- they got into a fist fight, and both were equally as hurt.

- they went their separate ways, and ended up going to George for medical treatment.

- George fucked up their dosages, and called them back the next day when he realised.

- they both came in at the same time, and laughed about how dumb this physician is (and bonded over it, thus making their friendship)

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