spideynovafist - angst

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a 400+ views special :)

this one-shot contains; angst, graphic scenes, murder

i don't own the characters. i do, however, own the plot.

peter is 23

sam is 22

danny is 23

y'all are gonna cry. the original idea was for everyone to die and Sam commits suicide due to it. but take this instead.

and yes - there might be a sequel




Peter slammed his fist into the side of the masked being, and webbed over to Luke.

he cradled the man in his lap.

"Pete, hey.. man, that hurt"

he was bleeding heavily from the shoulder. whatever had been shot at him had hit a major artery. Luke was bleeding out.

"no, no, no.."

he ignored the crashing and chaos around them, ripping his mask off. he pressed it against Luke's wound. it wouldn't help, but he had to at least try.

"hey, it's okay. go take care of the others"

Luke smiled.

tears streamed down Peter's face as Luke bled out.

"Luke? Luke?! Luke, wake up-"


his head snapped around, watching as Ava fell limp to the ground, a singular, red, gaping hole in the middle of her chest.


Sam screamed out, blasting the legs off the villain who'd shot his friend.

wiping the tears from his face, Peter shoved the mask back on. there wasn't much point to it - the alien villain things already knew what he looked like.

the back of the mask had Luke's blood on it, though not much. Peter had made it a point to have his suit 'blood proof', as he called it.

he webbed himself back into the fight.

it was only him, danny, and sam.

shield had sent them out on a mission to intercept a group of suspect drug smugglers.

instead of that, they'd come head to head with a massive hoard of alien entities.

Peter looked over to the other two.

Sam was in the middle of melting down an alien's head with one had, the other blasting to keep more at bay.

and Danny was using his killer moves to.. well.. kill.

with a small pinch to his nerves, Peter leapt into the air, spinning, landing on the roof. he watched as the alien stopped, taken aback by his sudden dodge.

he then proceeded to drop onto the alien, snapping it's neck, and flipping off of it, onto another.

feeling his spidey-sense kick in again, he dropped to the ground, just as a ray of small plasma beams shot overhead.

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