a gay sex scene

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the title was warning enough.

characters belong to me.

they're from a story i'm currently writing (unpublished as of now) that deals with modern day issues of drug use, homophobia, and racism. (and many other teen issues).

this is just a little thing with them for fun. it's not canon. dw.

quick character breakdown;

Vincent is a blonde w/ blue eyes. he's got a drug addiction and goes to a local highschool, and plays for their team 'The Vultures'.

Oskar is a brunette w/ brown eyes. he comes from semi-homophobic wealthy family, and has a 'reputation' that he can't afford to lose.


"fuck Vincent"

Oskar exhaled as he was shoved into a fucking locker.

he winced at the point of impact the metal made with his back. fuck that'd hurt. but he couldn't bother to focus on that. right now everyone was in class, and his secret boyfriend had caught him in the hall and decided right then and there that he was horny and wanted to grind and make out.

which wasn't as bad as it sounded, despite the fact he was supposed to be on his way to a club meeting that was apparently 'urgent', as Kaine had put it.

Vincent growled. literally fucking growled. like, who even did that? what the fuck?

but for some reason, it only turned Oskar on.

which shouldn't have. but it did.

in fact, the whole fucking situation shouldn't have been happening. Vincent didn't even go to their school. he went to a public school, not a private school.

"w-what are you doing here?"

Oskar asked, finally pulling his head out of his ass.

"came to see my little Otter" Vincent teased, using the nickname Oskar secretly liked. though he'd never admit to it.

"don't call me that. Victor"

"fuck you"

"then do it"

with a smirk, Vincent knelt down, starting on Oskar's belt.

"i didn't actually mean it, you dumb fucking jock"

"well, y'said it. which in itself is technically consent"

Oskar groaned to himself, hitting the locked that'd hurt his back with a fist.

"i fucking hate that you're so dumb, yet always fucking right"

Vincent stood again, having successfully pulled off the rich boy's stupid blue denim shorts and underwear.

he undid his own belt, shoving his pants down.

"you really went fucking commando again?"


Oskar wrapped his arms around Vincent's neck as he was propped up against the locker, legs wrapped around the poor-boy's waist.

without a warning, or a second to spare, the asshole pretty boy blonde from the public school forced himself into Oskar's asshole.

"fuck Vincent-"

"sorry Otter"



Vincent slammed his lips into the brunette's. the two were similar in height, so Oskar had to bend down a little to reach. the only reason he was even kissing him was to stop him from being so damn fucking loud.

which worked quite well.

as Vincent pounded himself into Oskar, the brown eyed male's moans were completely muffled.

Oskar fucking loved it. his secret boyfriend he shouldn't have because he's a rich kid with a reputation was ramming into him like there was no tomorrow. it'd always been like this. Vincent would show up out of the blue, high on something, and would either fuck Oskar, or just fall asleep in his arms. and while Oskar was obviously worried for him, he really fucking liked getting fucked. and sleeping wholesomely with Vincent.

about halfway through Vincent's relentless ass-ramming, they'd stopped kissing. instead, the brunette was biting into the blonde's shoulder.

Vincent smelt like weed. but also nicotine and something else that was definitely illegal that was probably fucking him up even more then the weed. he also smelt like Lynx. that body spray deodorant brand. voodoo? was that it? yeah, probably. that was Vincent's smell. along with sweat. he always smelt like 'voodoo', weed and sweat. unless he got out of the shower. then he just stunk of 'voodoo' body wash.

the blonde had been working hard on making sure Oskar would have a limp for the rest of the day. it took him another good ten minutes of torturing the poor rich kid's ass until he came.

Oskar, of course, had already came twice before Vincent had. yeah. he was one of those more sensitive guys.

so when he finally came a third time, he yelled into Vincent's neck, and turned into a ragdoll.

somehow Vincent had managed to get most of his boyfriend's sperm on his hand, so it was an easy clean up.

"have fun, Osk?"

Vincent slumped to the ground, panting lightly as he did his belt back up.

he was coming off his high. Oskar had seen it happen enough times to know.

"c'mon, i'll take you back to my place"


okay so that's sex scene over and done.

tell me what you think.

sorry it was short

this was a more care-free sorta style where i just swear a lot. because why the fuck not.

also yes, this was mainly revolved around Oskar's perspective, but in third person. i'm getting better at that sort of thing. i guess.

see y'all in the next one-shot.


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