quick author's note

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hey guys, how's it going?

personally, i've been suffering.

lemme explain;

so as some of you know, i'm trans (ftm).

((meaning i identify as a male. and i'll fight you if you're a transphobe))

you're probably thinking "jace, i'm not catching on-"

well.. i'll explain further. so i've been tacking pills/hormone blockers. they've been stopping me from having periods (and helping w/my confidence). but i've had to take a break from them (cause that's what the doctors said to do; take a break every few months).

and holy fuck - i've forgotten what it's like to get cramps. i fucking hate this. it hurts like hell. make it stop please-

also; dysphoria's been a pain in my ass. it just sneaks up at the most random times. along with depression, too. yeah.. it's been tough..

but on the bright side, i should officially be starting my t-shots sometime around this year.

i know, it's a big deal. i'm fucking pumped-

anyways, i just wanna let y'all know that you'll be getting much happier one-shots soon.

i'm sorry for all the angst-

(i'm not actually. it was my way of venting through everything lol)

remember to keep an eye out for the next one-shot.

and don't forget; i'm more than happy to take requests.


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